
I can't get on the internet while my linksys wrt54g is hooked up please help.?

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last night my internet went out. an hour ago i got it working again after resetting modem and connecting directly to modem. but now when i try to hook up my router i get no internet on any computers whatsoever. right now the only way for me to get online on my laptop is to send a cable from my laptop to modem. please help




  1. If you connect a computer to your router with a cable, it probably will not give you Internet, but you should still be able to access the router's interface.  If no computers can connect to the Internet for both wired and wireless through the router, you probably have to clone one of your MAC addresses.  First you need to find your MAC address.  Click Start, (run only in xp and earlier versions), type cmd, press enter.  Type the command ipconfig /all  Your physical address is your MAC address.  You need to clone one of the MAC address of one of your computers in your router's interface.

    If you are not able to get on the wireless, it could be one of your neighbors recently setup wireless in their house, and now their wireless is interfering with your's.  To fix this, all you have to do is chang the channel in your router's interface to 1 or 11.  By default, routers use 6 out of the box.  Do not use any other channels besides 1, 6, or 11.  It will just mess other people's wireless up.

  2. It sounds like you need to release your ip address' from all of your equipment and have them automatically reassigned to you. The easiest way for you to do that is power all of your equipment down, (modems, routers and computers) for about an hour to release the DHCP then power everything up in this order;  modem, router then computers. that should get all of your network items in the same ip address ranges.

  3. I would recommend using your install CD to get your connection up again. I've had this problem several times and I found that using the CD (90%of the time) usually corrects the problem. If that doesn't work you or you dont have the CD,  can try the following utility from linksys:

    Hope that helps,


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