
I can't get past my defender, what should I do?

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It sucks, man. Its the only part of my game I am not good at. I can shoot. I can pass. I can rebound. But when come to dribbling, man I just suck. I just try to make moves, but I just keep losin the ball. Even when I do get past them, I lose the ball. I just can't control it. And when I dribble, I don't look at the ball. I look at the space between the defender and me. I just can't control the d**n ball. I lose it everytime. I need to fix this before I try out for the freshmen team. So I need you guys to tell me what are some good moves to get past your defender and how I am suppose to control the ball while doing those moves. Oh and I know you guys are going to tell me, "Well it depends on how the defender is playing you." Just tell me some moves okay. Thanks.




  1. try dribbling the ball really low to the ground or when youre sitting down dribble behind youre legs as fast as you can from right to left this will help youre handles

  2. What up Swish,

    First you need to get your "bread and butter" down.  You mention that you don't have control of the ball and struggle with ball-handling and dribbling - if you don't have that moves won't help.

    Practice dribbling in front of you just going back and forth, back and forth- it may seem tedious but this is the setup for your crossover- and is your bread and butter- like when you go between your legs- you can come back to that to square your body and shoot a jumper.  

    You can then begin to practice going front and back and start adding in the between the legs, behind the back, etc.  

    Practice with a basketball, some people practice with tennis balls- but get your dribbling motion down.

    A simple step then.  Is when you catch the ball use what is called a jab step. You pivot one foot kind of jab with it- like put it out front as if you're going to drive.  If the defender backs off rise up and shoot your jumper.  If he plays you kind of close- spin off of him or use a head fake to get him off the ground and drive around him.  After awhile they have to pick their poison- give you the jumper or challenge you to drive.

    These are some helpful basics...

    Good luck,


  3. The first step is the most important.

    If you don't have a great first step, then you're defender is going to beat you to your spot.

    Crossover's, back downs and juke moves are all nice...but I see it everyday...the guy who gets the quick first step gets there everytime...why? Because after the first step, his opponent is behind him.

    So use all those crosses and c**p...then STEP to where you wanna go and drive from there.

    Really, the only way is to practice against a friend.

  4. Well it does really depend on how the defender is playing you. But you gotta explode. Your first move has to be explosive. You don't really have to do any moves. Just EXPLODE. Think about that right before you are gonna go past him. EXPLODE!

  5. Speed drills, practice juking and up your dribbling skills...........

  6. kick them in the nads

    hah the guy above me...great minds think alike

  7. just practice and practice double dribbling to trick the defender. i did it and it worked!

  8. Hey bro,I totally understand where yo are coming from. I was exactly the same and alway had trouble passing through the defense or driving in. What I did to improve that was I just kept dribbling. All I did was practise everyday on dribbling. I always use to count how many time I can put it through my legs non-stop with both hands (I think the most I ever did was close to a 100) and that helped me a lot. I was like you too because I was going into High school and wanted to try out for the team real bad but my dribbling was horrible. It's a good thing you are concerned about your weaknesses as that's what's going to help you realize where you need to practise. I suggest you keep dribbling up and down the court, look up some tapes on cross overs(make sure they are not dribble dribble), andhen practise with team mates. That's the best way to improve man. I hope you the best in your freshman year and dude, keep practising and you'll be fine =)

  9. kick him in the balls

  10. how bout u dont suck u could start there then u dont need moves u need quickness step beside him turn ur shoulders away and hook him dont look at the space in between look were ur goin

  11. Throw the ball at his face.

  12. One good way, like Nickster said, is to use a jab step.  Another way is to back him down if you can.  For a great example of this watch how Chauncey Billups does it.  He'll get the man on his back and then make a move depending on how the defender plays him.

  13. just keep working at it

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