
I can't get the feel of the wheel, when making a turn.?

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I just recently started driving lessons.

I did fine * i drove straight for most of the lesson*

however when it comes to making turns

I don;t know how much to turn it, i turned it too much then too little, my mom said i should "feel" the wheel turning or something to that effect but grrrrrrrr. any suggestions???




  1. I remember when I was taking driving lessons I had the same problem with turning.  I had trouble with the idea that you had to turn the wheel twice as many degrees as you wanted the car to turn.  I do remember my sweetie pie of an instructor taking me down a very curvy road and saying "Well, at least you can turn better than you can curve!"  Finally my Dad took me to a cemetary to practice turning and curving.  He said "At least you won't kill anyone!"

    Hang in there!  I got the feel eventually with practice, and you will too!

  2. Make sure your vehicle is in the correct lane.

    Signal your intentions to make the turn. If you did not have to stop at the intersection, begin slowing down at least 100 feet from the corner.

    Proceed with caution into the intersection. Do not turn the wheel until you are ready to actually make the turn.

    Wait until there is no on-coming traffic. Yield to any vehicles (including bicycles) approaching from the opposite direction.

    Look in all directions carefully before starting your turn.

    Slow down to a safe speed to make the turn.

    Complete the turn by turning into the appropriate lane in which is designated to be turned into.

  3. Driving is kind of like learning how to ride a bike. At first, you have to get use to how to control everything but the more you do it, eventually you do it unconsciously. Practice, practice, practice. That is the only thing you can really do. Experiment in a parking lot going around and around and adjust each time how you turn the wheel. Try different kinds of turns (in the parking lot) - wide, sharp, parking space. Just keep at it and it will become easier! It is always awkward at first.

  4. Get into a car spacious park with few cars. Move your vehicle as slowly as possible at first. Pick an immobile object far away eg. a tree and steer left towards it, then steer left again at 90 degrees towards another static object - continue doing this to complete a square. Repeat until proficient, then repeat to the right.

    I used this technique and found within half an hour most students became able to steer at a level that was suitable for the road.

    Vary the speed of steering too.

    Looking FAR AWAY at a fixed point and not deviating or "swan-necking" is the key

  5. try to borrow a car that doesn't have power steering?

    maybe a friend with an old truck?

    or a tractor if you live in the country.

    or a golf cart if you live close.

    or at least the smallest car you can find.

    might be a good idea to try to learn from someone other than Mom. drivers ed? or a friend.

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