I have taken out an old fitting from my bedroom ceiling. I am now left with 4 red wires, one white wire, 3 black wires and 3
green wires. all of which are tied into buches of matching colours. I attached the new fitting but left out the switch wire as when I turn the breaker back on the light will not turn off at the switch.
The white wire comes out of a bigger wire that has another red wire with it, I pressume this is the switch wire. Were does the white wire go? All the others are standard 1 red 1 black and 1 green. Why would I have 3 power cables all ending above my bedroom light fitting? Is this just S****y trade work or is this what was done 35years ago everywhere?
Any help would be greatly recieved. My wife has now officially got the s***s. This was suppossed to get done in a weekend. ooops.