
I can't get this guy out of my head?

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Tonight I drove up on a motorcycle accident. I got out to see what I could do. This guy just shot around my car speeding and almost hit me and another car. When I got to the intersectio I saw someone laying on the ground and people running to him. He hit the median and crashed. His helmet flew off his head and he lie there bleeding from hiss head barely breathing. I am only 19 and I have never seen something like this before. I looked in his face and I just can't get the picture of him out of my mind. I just can't stop crying. I want to stop thinking about him, but all I see is his lifeless body laying at my feet and i couldn't do anything to help him. How can I get his face out of my head?




  1. It takes time. Try not to think about it, as hard as it is. It's awful that you had to see it, and I feel bad for you because no one should be exposed to that. Sometimes people get a second chance, sometimes they don't. There's no guarantee. But always remember that if you pull a stunt like that you will give your parents that same face to remember for the rest of their lives. Real life can suck. Please be careful.

  2. I had a similar situation when I was overseas in the Air Force...We could have our own vehicles at this base...Most guys had cars, a few had motorcycles - like the kid that lived next to me in the dorm...I had to go away on temporary assignment for a few weeks...When I came back, I found out he was dead...There was a party somewhere off base and there were alcoholic beverages in plenty...The kid got on his bike and a little ways down the road, ran it (and him) into a tree...20 years old... Gone...I was livid...What gave him the right to kill himself like that??..Didn't he know that he had a full life in front of him?..I never saw him again, but I can't forget him...All we can do is pray for those who leave life too early and ask God for mercy (for the deceased) and comfort (for those who sorrow)...There is no rhyme or reason and we'll never figure it out on our own...Grieve for him for a little while - it's OK...Learn from what he did wrong...Do everything to avoid repeating his mistakes...Driving involves 100% mental focus and solid self control...If I am not in control of me, there is no way I can control my vehicle.

    Peace be with you - always.

  3. Once you have your spot, let your mind start to drift.  

    Do NOT try to control what you think about... don't actively TRY to think about the events from the day, just let any thoughts that come up float about until they leave on their own.  

    The same goes for emotions that come up... let them come up, float around, and drift off on their own.  

    What you are doing is allowing your subconscious to bring up all the things it needs to bring up, but while you are awake, instead of asleep.  

    This allows you to deal with them in a way that actually makes sense, instead of trying to piece them together into some sort of story line.

    Let this continue until the flow of thoughts, feelings, and images slows down, hopefully even coming to a stop, where you reach internal quiet.  

    If you reach this point, you will find that you have more peace throughout your life.

  4. Some people cry away the problems, some sleep over it, some try to sing a happy song...

  5. I am really sorry you had to see this, some things noone should have to see ever. I have seen horrific things like this myself and I know how you feel and what you are feeling is totally normal. Don't let anyone tell you that you should not be feeling the way you do. I cannot stress enough how important it is that you contact a counselor asap so that you can begin to process what you have seen in a safe environment. In essence you have been to a war zone and are now suffering post traumatic stress syndrome. This is very real and cannot be ignored. It's symptoms include, depression, appetite loss, sleep disturbance or an increase in sleep, irritability,  sexual disfunction and an overall feeling of anxiety and restlessness.

    I  do not want to see you go through this alone so please find a school counselor or someone through your healthcare system. This can be dealt with and you will feel better but the best way to do it is with help. I have seen this myself in my many years in law enforcement with the various horrific things I have seen. it is hard to get that stuff out of your head on your own. We all need a helping hand at times, there is no shame in that. The shame would be in not getting the help and wasting our lives dwelling on someone else's tragedy.

    Hang in there, I'll be thinking good thoughts for you!

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