
I can't have kids am I wrong to be jealous of my sis?

by  |  earlier

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I am 21 years old, in a loving relationship (6years) and have PCOS and endometriosis and have other 'girly' problems that are undiagnosed and I am undergoing treatment for. I have been told that the chances of me having kids are very slim. I don't even know if I want kids but I might want them one day. My sister has 3 kids and is now pregnant with another (she is 24) and may no be able to carry the other one as she has had 3 ceseareans and her scartissue may not be strong enough. My mum has 4 kids and doesnt have time for any of us, nor does my dad. I see people screaming at their kids and shouting and jsut generally being mean to them. Is it wrong that I get jealous sometimes like when I see a pregnant woman? I don't even like kids but the thought of never being able to have them is quite sad really.




  1. I'm sorry you can't have kids but its not your sister's fault.  You MUST be happy for her.  You can certainly adopt - lots of kids need loving homes.  You will love them the same in the end.

  2. im really sorry to hear this, but you have options, there are so many children out there that need love, and have no-body, your sister may never get to be someones savior, because she will be too busy, but you, you could save a life, save some little girl from a life of abuse or prostitution, or save a little boy from a gang existance, just because you can't carry children doesnt mean you can't be a mom!

  3. Yeah, I have PCOS too... I definetly want kids some day, not now though, I'm going to be turning 19 soon.

    But it does make me very, very sad that I may not be able to have kids...

    But hey, if that's how it works out, that's how it works out.

    Hopefully you can maybe be put on some kind of fertility drug that may make you be able to have kids...

    Good luck, and don't worry about anything!

  4. i think its normal that you feel that way. but you should DEFINITELY see the new movie called "baby mama". i htink it will make you feel better.

  5. its normal for you to get jealous because thats something you want...and its out of your control...but try to stop being jealous and just keep your head up and pray...i know a woman that tried for years and the doctor told her she would never be able to have children and she ended up with make you not soo sad look at all the bad problems, responsibility and things like that...just dont stress yourself so much

  6. well if you dont like them whats the problem!!? you dont sound very nice!Dont ever give up the hope you cant have kids cos miracles do happen! I understand what you mean about being jealous, it is kinda wrong but you cant help what you feel! everyone is jealous at some point. Ive just had a baby,am 19, was not planned ad it wasnt something we wanted.But he is 4 months now, its been tough but the best days of my life.He makes me so happy.Sometimes I get mad when he crys but I cant help it.thankfully hes a happy boy that doesnt cry alot! Most people will want kids one day.True it is stressful but I would never change what Ive got now.I will probably shout at my kid when hes older if he does something wrong, but I love him so much!the fact is theres not much you can do about it.It might be hard but you are just gonna have to get on with your life.That doesnt sound very nice but what else can you do? you cant help your one can.

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