
I can't hit my ball more than 30 yards lol, please help me?

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What am I doing wrong? I just don't get it. Am i swinging wrong? do i not have enough power behind it, any tips? or do i just suck at golf




  1. u suck

  2. go easily on the ball. don't try to whack it, that will get you nowhere. a nice slow and controlled swing will help you build a consistent stroke.

  3. its not that you suck...u just need to work at it...try to take some lessons or something...get someone you know that is good at golf to help you.

  4. All I can tell you is to take some lessons.  You weren't too specific on the problems you are having.  Beginners woes it sounds like.  Taking a lesson to get an understanding of the basics is your best bet.

  5. go and get a lesson

    and then you will go from there...

    golf takes time and Patience.

    so keep persevering and your get there.......

    practice makes perfect

  6. try driving the ball 3 inches into the ground from the tee!

  7. Don't worry so much about distance yet. Learn to swing and hit the ball correctly first. Then get some consistency at it. Then work on distance. This is not something that is going to happen overnight or on one outing. It is also something that you can lose by getting away from the basics of the golf swing.

    Everybody sucks at golf in the beginning. Some suck at it all the time but they still have fun.

  8. If you don't want to spend a lot on private lessons there are clinics and group lessons for beginners that are much more reasonably priced. You're not going to learn how to play by asking questions on the internet. You need someone to physically show you how to hold the club, stand, and swing the club correctly.

  9. Well, you might want to take it out of the sac-OH golf it.

  10. take 5 lessons + and then u will see the  difference the pro will help u on ur grip and ur stance

  11. all i can tell you is to take about 2 weeks off then give the game up all together because my 7 year old cuzin can hit it about 150 yards

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