
I can't hit my middle irons...?

by  |  earlier

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I can hit my 3 and 4 irons and my drivers very well, quite consistently, and i can pitch and hit my 7 up irons well too, but my 5 and 6 aren't agreeing with me at all. The difference between my 4 iron and 5 is about 30-35 metres (its a hybrid). and i hit the same with my 6 iron and my 7 and only about 5 metres more with my five iron. the rest of my differences are average (7 iron ten more than 8 etc).




  1. Just to be a bit humorous....

    Don't hit your irons, hit your ball.  It tends to fly further and is within the rules of the game.  =)

  2. you must be bad

  3. Don't hit down to much with the long irons just try and hit down slightly and but them in line with your left heel. Always look at the ball when you hitting it

  4. are you playing the ball in the middle of your stance? think you might be trying to help the ball up, let the loft do the work. sort of like when you hit your longer irons and woods. descend don't ascend

  5. Well if you can hit your short irons, i will assume, it is in you head.  The swing is absolutely no different.

  6. It is a funny thing. I have been addressing this very issue for about two seasons now.

    I use my 4 iron often for low penetrating shots and for striking the ball and keeping it under low branches off the fairway at about 200 to 250 yrds.

    But when conditions are good, fair way lie at about 195 to 215 I have been contemplating a 7 Wood.

    Two Gentlemen I play with use this club and have enormous success with it. I believe this could be helpful to me. As for you, if your handicap is lower than mine and you absolutely feel that a 5 iron must be in your bag, you must work it out on the range or with the help of an ace.

    As for me I think a 7 Wood is in my immediate future.

    Hit'em Straight

  7. OK try this choke down on a 5 iron on the range to about 7 iron length and experiment hitting different shots in other words alter the Length and speed of you swing and you will see different results. 4-7 iron are very similar they are a little different in length and quite a bit different in loft. Play all shots about one inch ahead of center to see consistent results. Otherwise you should have no problem hitting these clubs good luck!

  8. Whenever I have a problem like this I go to the driving range and work on it. Try positioning the ball differently in your stance, changing your grip, and most importantly practice on grass if possible.

    Good Luck

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