
I can't keep a conversation going?

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Please Read: I don't understand how people do it. IT'S NOT JUST ACQUAINTANCES! I have a group of friends and even when I talk to them we both run out of things to say. I try all the usual stuff like weather, sports, compliments, people, music, hobbies, things that happened recently, etc.. But eventually there becomes nothing else to talk about. I don't understand how people can be friends for years and years and still have fun, not be awkward, and etc. Could someone please tell me how they do it and how I could do it too?

(please don't include anything about parents or relatives in your answer)




  1. Wow ive never really had that prob with my friends...maybe a little

    But i have had that problem with my boyfriend..

    What i do is i just dont talk to them for a few days and then catch up then and we have SO much to talk about..

    Just levae ur friends alone for a day or two.. i mean say hi and whats up but keep it casual and dont get into a really datailes conversation ulnless u hva eto and then the next time u see them u can catch up and have a lot to talk me it works =]

    Good Luck!!!

    Hope this helped!!!

    Also point out to ur friends that  dont have anything to talk about and it can help kill the awkwardness and heck u can talk about not having anything to talk about!!!. I ve dont that before and then u end up talking about something...serioulsy try it =] I promise it works

  2. well first i ask them how they r then i ask if anythin is new with them. or hows school or work is goin. then i ask about up comin events like partys. just talk about anythin u 2 have in common like sports ur fav. team, school, hobbie just stuff like that

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