
I can't keep the flies out of my bushes because stray cats get under them?

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No dept. will deal with the strays

Humane Society said if they got rid of them just new ones would move in

I can't open my door to go out without flies from the bushes coming in.




  1. Cats are living under your bushes, or defecating or urinating under the bushes?

    I have 9 cats.

    Cayenne pepper (finely-crushed red pepper, available in the Spices aisle) sprinkled on the ground around the bushes will discourage them.

    The cats sniff, get a hot snootful, and go away.  It won't hurt the cats, and it won't hurt your soil or plants, even if it washes into the soil or gets on the plants.

    I use cayenne pepper to keep my cats from using my houseplant mulch as a litterbox.

  2. cure for the flies:

    1. several cloves of garlic, chopped.

    2. mint-I grow my own but, any mint tea will do.

    3. approx. 1/3 c. vinegar

    4. Mouthwash

    In a pan of water, boil garlic and mint.  Let cool.  Add vinegar (not too much or it will harm bushes) and mouthwash.  Place in spray bottle and douse bushes well.

    As for the cats, go to the nearest hunting shop and get coyote urine.

    Good luck!

  3. How about spreading some bark mulch or pebbles?  I don't think cats like to do things on them.  Well, I sprinkle Orange or Lemon peels whenever I have a problem with cats or dogs.  I heard this thing about they don't like citrus scent and it's working for me.  You can try this, too, if you want to.  No guarantee, though.  Works for some, but not everyone.

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