
I can't leave my 9 mth old son with anyone cause all he does is cry???

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ok so I will be starting college soon and my is going to have to go to day care but the problem is that he cries and cries when I or my husband is not around. when i drop him he is ok then he gets really upset and more upset screaming and he doesn't just cry himself to sleep either. my parents tried to take him overnight but eventually they had to bring him home. and at my parents house there were 5 people trying to calm him and it did not work. so what i am going to do when the day care can;t get him to stop crying??? please help me i do not know what i am going 2 do??? :(




  1. Question is, if this is your first child then, more than likely you have spoiled him to the point of no return.  Unfortunately he will have to outgrow this, and true it will not be easy on whom ever you leave him with, but you will have to deal with the reality of the facts, that you have no control over how he responds to others and certain situations you leave him in.  You have to let it happen because if you don't stop it now, it will only get progressively worse as he gets older, but in extremely different ways.  Good Luck

  2. write to there has to be a reason

  3. at my 5 1/2 doc doc said around 6 month, my son wouldn't be soooo loving to he was smiling and playing with him...said they go through that phase of unfamiliarity and they don't like being w/ strangers.   So, i think thats what this is....honestly , do 2 things..KEEP on trying to get him familiar with many my friend didn't do this, HER DAUGHTE IS GONNA BE 3 SOON AND STILLLLLL CANNOT GO SOMEPLACE AND NOT CRY THE ENTIRE TIME!!!!!!!!! also....can u get baby to sleep at their house, than go out ?

  4. maybe you can work out something with the daycare staff, to where you two can go there about 2-3 times a week before you start school., and let him play with others and the staff can interact with him while you are there, get him used to the people there . And gradually he will become accustom to it and like it alot. Good Luck

  5. That is normal at this age.  Kids develop object permanence (meaning they know you still exsit when they can't see you) and separation anxiety around the same time.  This is just a phase, and it will pass in a few months.  As long as he is regularly left with the same person, he will go through the phase faster  :)

  6. Separation anxiety among young children is very normal!  In your son's eyes, every time you leave his sight he thinks he's never going to see you again.  Eventually he will learn otherwise, but it won't be easy until then!

    We're going through the same thing with our one-year-old.  Sometimes he'll get distracted and play for a while, but eventually he just wants us and starts crying.  Our three-year-old did the same thing, then one day decided to stop.

    I know it's not the best answer, but every child is different.

  7. My daughter was the same way.  She wouldn't even stay with my husband, just me. What we ended up doing was finding a friend that was willing to help her work through the crying.  we would leave her for 4 hours, once a week, in the evening time, with the same person. It took months to break her of the crying , but she did it.  I would recommend warning the daycare, and when you drop him off, make sure that you hand him to the same person, someone that he is comfortable with, everyday. It will give him some stability, and make him feel safe. be consistent and don't loose hope he'll overcome it.

  8. when you took him to your parents if the 5 people where strangers to him, no wonder why it didnt work at this age they can be very scared towards strangers, what you could do when you go to the day care is to stay with him and visit so he gets use to the surroundings, day care workers are used to babies crying when the parents go but they can help distract him with toys and songs ect. He will eventually get used to being with his key worker, which is the person who cares for him most of the time and he should start settleing down.

    hope ive helped


  9. You need to start slowly.  Leave him with people you trust for a hour at a time and slowly work your way to leaving him longer and longer.  Hopefully he will begin to get used to being in company of other people.

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