
I can't make posts on Yahoo Message boards anymore.?

by  |  earlier

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Every time I try to post I get this message: "Atleast one identity should be chosen." I have 5 identities (3 of which do not appear to work including my main identity which automatically pops up on the drop down box). Seems to be a problem with Yahoo, but I don't know how to get Yahoo help on a Yahoo problem.




  1. Apparently Yahoo is looking into it... but who knows what their timeline is.

    I only have one identity but it contains Capital letters and I thought that might have a bearing on it.  who knows?

  2. Drives me crazy.  My screen name has a capital letter--since I have had the account for so long when you could put them in the name you selected--and now I can't post either.  

    It is lovely to see such care for long-time Yahoo users.

    Google would have had this fixed in an hour.. . .

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