
I can't ollie at all?????? Skateboard?

by  |  earlier

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I kick down on the back but i don't jump back up in time. help me???? tips???




  1. 1.get in a comfortable stance and stay balanced put ur back foot on the tail and your front foot an inch behind the bolts

    2.then you jump up literaly jump up with BOTH feet

    3.right after you start jumping really FAST and HARD pop the tail so tha pop could make it jump

    4.once u hear or feel that you popped the board you slide your front foot up to the nose that makes the board get height and make the back wheels get up(wich was one of my problems)

    5.once you reach the highest point of your ollie

    level out the board with your back foot on the board

    6.Once you land on the ground bend your knees to resort the impact of your ollie

    7.just keep riding your board and dont fall off

    8.P R A C T I C E


    1.sometimes you pop and your board goes flying forward,solution:thats because ur leaning back too much keep your balance pop and land but board doesnt go in the air,solution:your not sliding your front foot up. try to ollie and try to pop and slide your front foot to the nose but wont get to the air,solution:you think your popping but your not push with your back foot harder(wich was also my problem and got it after doing this)

    hope i helped. :)

  2. It sounds like you haven;t got the timing down yet.  Keep practicing, Ollies are fairly difficult to master.  

    The tightness of the trucks don;lt matter in doing Ollies.  Set them how you like to ride.  

  3. Some people just dont have skills.

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