
I can't play hockey anymore, but i'm gonna prove them wrong!!?

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I haven't been on in a while (if anyone noticed) I was recently in a bad accident, hit by a drunk driver... I got banged up pretty bad and i was told i would never play hockey again, i can walk with a slight limp but the doctors said my hockey career was done. I was about to play with the Minnesota White Cap this year. I've been playing hockey since i was five and played varsity,college, and like i said i was gonna play women's pro....

ok sorry to put a downer on your day, i was wondering if you could tell me a story of a Miracle, some one over coming a bump in the road such as mine, it would be greatly appreciated.

Please and Thank you in advance!




  1. I think its a great idea but first you should really strengthen you legs up because in hockey you suppose to have strong legs like Crosby with his powerful stride. Do some lunges do some upper leg exercise and you should not quit. Always follow your dreams and don't stop being the best that you can you can do it!!!!!!.

  2. Hey, I'm sorry to hear about that. I'm glad to hear you're ok though.

    Story of a miracle......well I can't think of any good ones right now, but I can think of one. It has nothing to do with hockey or car accidents, but it is a miracle story.

    Ok, so I know this family and one of the family members was born with a disease. The doctors said he was mentally unstable and that he wouldn't live past 5 years old.......Well, 5 years past and he was still living....the doctors said if he lived to be 15 (which would be unlikely) that he would have the brain of a 6 year old........That man is now 39 years old. He has the brain of a 6 year old, he thinks that the Lion King is the funniest movie on Earth, AND he has skin cancer, but you know what?......He proved everyone wrong. The baby that wasn't suppose to ever have a 6th birthday is turning 40 soon.......The doctors have no idea how it happened. They were proven wrong.

    Aw, not a great story, but it's about over coming a bump in the road.

    Good luck and I hope you prove 'em all wrong. ;)  

  3. Oh wow, I'm really sorry. That really sucks. I've had some family members hit by drunk drivers and I can't even express the way I feel towards drunk drivers in typing. Getting behind the wheel of a car while hammered is truly one of the most idiotic and senseless things you can do.

    As far as hockey players overcoming things, there's Gordie Howe who fractured his skull in a game and came back to play hockey just fine. There's also Mario Lemieux and Saku Koivu who both overcame cancer to continue to play hockey. I'm sure there are more stories, but they escape me right now.

    Again, I'm really sorry for what happened to you, I can't imagine how much that much suck. I wish you the best of luck in your attempts to get back into hockey. Good luck!

  4. You should look into what Gary Roberts has overcome.  He missed the entire 1996-1997 NHL season with a neck injury that they said would be the end of his career.  But he refused to let it be the end of his career and through a huge amount of dedication to his rehabilitation made a comeback and has played 10 more years in the NHL.

    I also have a personal story from a long time ago of a friend that was in a bad car crash. The doctors said they would never recover and would be permanently disabled.  Now this person wasn't a top athlete like you are, but they refused to believe that they could not recover and live a normal life.  That was about 25 years ago and today he has a nice home & family, a good job and is enjoying every second life has to offer.  Quite possibly the most stubborn person I have ever met, but I'm sure that stubborn refusal to give up on life is part of what gave him the determination to make a full recovery.

    What happened to you is a tragedy, and your doctors may or may not be correct that your hockey career is over.  If you believe that it is then it is for sure.  But if you take your rehabilitation from the accident one day at a time and never give up on hockey, then maybe you can prove the doctors wrong.  It's been done before, no reason you can't do it too.

    Whether you ever play hockey again or not, I hope you have a full recovery from the accident and that they throw the book at the drunk that hit you.

  5. Go for it! It's possible to overcome these things with physical therapy nad dedication. And even if you fail, at least you'll have tried. It would be worse living with the fact that you never tried then if you tried and failed.

    Best of luck to you, I hope you become a star!

    Drunk drivers, drivers texting.... They should go to jail for life. That kind of behavior is flat out not acceptable in a 2000 lb vehicle.  

  6. There are many people that have overcame surgeries, medical problems and possible career ending injuries in the hockey world.  Mario Lemieux, Saku Koivu, Jason Blake, Fernando Pisani, Tony Granato, Gary Roberts,   Pat Lafontaine, and Cam Neely to name a few.  Heres a couple stories of 2 guys that really overcame a bump.

    Good luck to you and never give up on your dream.

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