
I can't potty train my 4 yr old could she have a problem?

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My daughter is 4. I have been working on potty training her now for almost 2 years. She is just not getting the concept. She wears regular underwear durning the day. She will not go into the bathroom and go the bathroom by herself without someone telling her go. She will not tell anyone when she has to go. Also if she goes in her underwear whether it just be pee or p**p and she just sits in it. It doesnt pharse her what so ever. I have tried everything and I just dont know what to try anymore. I need some help.




  1. when i had that problem, i wouldnt give her anything to drink until she went. then i would offer her something to drink when i thought she needed to go, and wouldnt let her drink it until afterwards. worked for me.....

  2. Set a timer and put her on the potty every half an hour. If she can keep her undies dry, do a sticker chart--when she gets a certain number of stickers, she gets something special.

  3. give her candy...

    1 m&m for pee and 2 m&m's for poo. sit her on the potty until she goes but give her a lot to drink. do it first thing in the morning. wake her up before she wakes herself up so she doesn't pee her pants. don't let her drink 2 hours before bed.

    go to the bathroom in front of her and when you are done get up and dance and be happy with yourself about it...give yourself a sticker or candy or whatever... then give her a turn.

    just some ideas

    good luck

  4. Set a timer.. I got a kitchen timer, for 1 hour. When it dings tell her it's potty time.. Get a little potty and sit it where she plays so she can see it.. it might help her remember. For my little one I got a piece of paper and put 100 squares on it, ever time she went potty she got a sticker .. when it was all filled up she got to do sometimes like get a happy meal or go to the park. Something really fun that she loves to do.

  5. have you explained to her that big girls go in the potty and she needs to tell you when she needs to go or when she has an accident

    if you've talked to her about it then i would say try the elmo potty story (cant remember the name of it)

    and if that still doesnt work then yes take her to the doc

  6. You did not say if you have had her checked by a doctor. That needs to be your first step. If she is fine physically, you have great answers right here and can find more online.

    When I was concerned about my daughter, the doctor did a complete check-up to rule out physical causes then told me to try any suggestions I was given that I felt might work (as long as they were reasonable) but to remember two things:

    1. This is the first thing in her life your daughter has absolute control over. Don't make it a power struggle, she will win!

    2. By high school all children are potty trained. (In other words, she will get potty trained eventually.)

    My hope for you is to find she is OK physically and you find the right key for your particular child quickly! Good Luck!

  7. I had the same problem with my 4 yr old son.  At his 4 yr visit to the Doctor, the Doc just came out and said to him that he was a big kid and that he didn't need to wear pullups anymore.  That kind of did it, sort of.  I sent him to preschool in those heavy cotton training underpants that help absorb the pee if they have an accident and packed a bunch of extra clothes and underwear with him.  The teachers were good with it and used to it.  He had an accident every day or so for a week and that was it.   Its been about 5 months and he still has accidents, mostly because he doesn't want to stop playing to go.  You really need to make sure you take her to the potty every 20 or 30 minutes till she gets it.  Don't let her stay in dirty underpants, because she will get too used to it and that is NOT good.  Bad habits are hard to break!  You should call your doctor and bring her in for a little pep talk.  By the way, did you do a sticker chart for her?  We do 1 sticker for every pee and 2 stickers for every p**p.  You will be surprised by what a kid will do for a sticker they love!

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