
I can't pull up my personnal im page ,stays daughters name?

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I can't pull up my personnal im page ,stays daughters name?




  1. What kind of IM page are we talking about here?  Is it your My Yahoo!?  If so, then up at the top of the page, it says "Welcome *user name*"and under that it says "sign out" click that, then wait for the next page to load then log in with your user name and password.

    Chances are, your daughter just checked the box that says "remember me" when she loged in.

  2. Are you logged in as you, or your daughter? That determines which page comes up.

  3. did you try loging out?? she probly has settings on keeping her page logged in...

  4. Sounds like you haven't closed her IM out properly. Make sure her Im is closed and try again.

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