
I can't put on my contacts.?

by  |  earlier

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I have tried but I Just have a thing about putting a piece of plastic in my eye. Every time i go to put it in, I freeze up and get scared!





  1. i have contacts too. they really arent that scary. honestly. you dont even feeel them when they are in. just take a deep breathe and tell your self its no  big deal cuz it really isnt.

    make shure that you clean them with solution before you put them in. thats very important. if they are dirty and you put them in, they burn. not to make you scared. just some info. also. just go to your eye doctor and ask him / her to explain the how-to's and what NOT to do. and alll the percautions.    after you do it yourself the first time. its no big deal after. my  mom had to put them in for me for weeks and it always took a while cuz i always used to pull her hand away. i practiced with an extra pair and i do them my self every morning.

    make shure you wash your hands before too.

    hope i was of helppp. !! =]]

  2. I just got mine two weeks ago. It takes some getting used to.

    Try holding your eyelids open, that way when you go to put them in, you wont touch or eyelashes and cause a blink reflex.. Or try touching your eye without the contact, just to get used to that first.

  3. Just walk away, calm down.  Just try touching your (clean) finger to your eye.  Just do this for a day or two; a few times an hour. and you'll get used to the idea of something touching your eye.  Than try again putting the contacts in.

  4. The first time I tried putting contacts in my eye it took me like an hour. I was at the doctor's office and by the end my eyes were bright red. It happens to most everyone in the first time. It may help though if you position your finger to go into your eye but look down so you are not looking at your finger as it nears your pupil. You'll definently get the hang of it!

  5. Aaw :)

    I was like that when I first tried them but its fine honestly!

    Have you tried touching your eye? Maybe you should practise that as it feels exactly the same :)

    Maybe you should get someone else to do it if not?

    Its not bad at all, you'll get used to it :)

  6. Give it a few more tries and get some tips from people who wear contacts. But, if it doesn't work, then maybe contacts aren't for you.  

  7. hehe i was the same at first.......... just ignore it while putting it on

  8. wear your specs instead ,

  9. well just think: The contact is SUPPOSED to be in your eye. You shouldn't be scared. I had trouble when i first had contacts and now its no problem. If you can't do it, is there anyone by you who can do it for you? i know it sound weird but my mom used to help me when i was afraid of hurting my eyes.

    You are just going to have to suck it up and do it. You'll get the hang of it within a week. It's not as hard as it first seems.

  10. I had similar problem. I thought I will never be able to do it.

    I had a friend help me for the first few weeks.

    But the best way to do it is:

    - open your eyes wide (as if you were surprized)

    - help with your fingers to keep it wide open

    - look straight to the mirror

    - keep your head up

    - put the contact and it will just stick to your eyes.

    Again, the main thing is practice.

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