
I can't run!! Help?

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I can't run- every time I try and keep fit by running I hate it I must look awful because I'm in so much pain. I'm physically quite fit but just can't run. I wanted to get in shape but this is a major setback. Other ways of staying fit don't have the same results. What can I do?




  1. Swimming is very low impact, doesn't hurt any joints and is very relaxing.

    Also burns more calories than running.

    You may also try cycling, although you dont get as tired with the same distance, it can be very good cardio.

    And last but not least, boxing.  Boxing is a great cardio workout, you'd be surprised at how fast you can knock yourself down to the ground punching, so a punching bag and some gloves can be a great cardio workout.

  2. Have you just started exercising by running? I know by experience that when you all of a sudden start physically demanding exercise after doing nothing really physically active in a while, your muscles really hurt a lot. Your muscles are rusty and it takes a few days and exercise sessions for the pain to go away.

    Try doing a good stretch before you run and while running, you should keep your stomach empty and take deep breaths instead of fast short breaths. Try to slow down your pulse and be calm while running. It really helps when your thinking about something else like music or something; this helps you forget about the pain so you can run harder distances.

    Just remember, in the beginning, it is very normal to experience pain.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Get Some Pain Killers, And Do A Fast Movment Walk

  4. start off small, by taking breaks and walking. in between a few minutes of slow jogging. slowly build youself up so that you can build endurance. i couldn't run but i joined cross country and you get used to it.

  5. Get a cross trainer as it doesn't put any strain on the joints.  

  6. You can do the "race-walk" thing, although it does look a bit funny. Or, what I do, is play Dance Dance Revolution for an hour a day. That's a great way to get fit and have fun at the same time.

  7. segways are allways good

  8. Here's a couple things you might try if you haven't already...

    -Use your iPod--it will help keep you occupied so it's harder to think about how awful running is and might help you run longer because you're not thinking about how awful running is.

    -Setting goals might help; for example, set a goal to jog for 10 or 15 minutes.  Having a goal that you want to reach might help you focus and endure.  Once you get more used to running, set more difficult goals for yourself.

    -If you really don't like to run, try playing games or something that involve a lot of running (soccer maybe?).  Running can sometimes be boring, but if you involve it in a game, it might not be so bad.

    If all else fails, going for a bike ride works your legs, too.

  9. I was the exact same as you. I used to be completely unable to run and didn't understand how other people could run. But I started going on the treadmill for runs, at 5 minutes a time. Those 5 minutes were all I could do without getting exhaisted and sore. Then when I got used to that, I would set the treadmill at 20 minutes and I would walk for two minutes, run for two minutes, so on and so forth. Then when I became good at that I managed to run for the full 15/20 mins...then eventually I increased this to 40 mins, now I can run an hour! At a higher speed too! SO honestly I am proof that you can do it gradually, I was the most unathletic person ever, I hate exercising, but at least I can do it now. This took me about 5 months to get. Good luck.

  10. Start out slow and build up your endurance. If you are really committed to this then you should be willing to spend the time building up your strength and stamina so you can run for extended periods of time. Stretching before and ensuring you have enough energy is also advisable because your muscles will be better prepared for an intense workout.  

  11. Well, you should be able to run.

    First off just start by walking

    then after a few days of walking increase your speed

    then jog

    then run!

    Take your time, but running is something we all should be able to do.

  12. I hate to run. It hurts my knees. Just go for a brisk walk. Get an exercise ball, those are great and not stressful on the body.
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