
I can't see how fasting is healthy?

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This is my opinion so I don't want to offend anyone, OK but I can't see how fasting is very good for someone. I mean Muslims cannot eat or drink all day long. What if one is feeling like they're about to pass out from the sugar drop in their body? I just can't see how this is healthy one one's body. Please explain.




  1. most dont agree with it being healthy it actually isnt its a lot about realigion most people who fast drink lots of water and eat lots of food right before they fast so there basically making up for not eating  

  2. Fasting for long periods of time: bad

    Fasting for a day: simulates a natural world in where you hunt for food and stimulates metabolism of fat.

  3. it helps you loose weight and think about people who live their entire life like this, its only for one month. you cant pass out.

  4. Medical science shows that fasting is healthy.

    Experiments conducted on lab rats show that those that fasted throughout their lives had up to a 50% increased life-span.

    Muslims do it to remind themselves that not everyone has their riches ( riches being available food) and to allow them to contemplate how great Allah has been for them.  It's a method of purification.

  5. It is all about the believe in the religion, not about the healthy issue. Not going to talk much because anything about religion is a very sensitive issue.  

  6. it is not done because it is healthy nor is it done just to pleasee god. this is a time for muslims to experience for 12 hours each day for 30 days what les fortunate people experience all the time. this helps muslims appreciate what they have been given. Because we all start looking at people who have more and saying why?... this lets us look at people who have less and thank god for what he gave us and help those who r less fortunate. and about fainting, it does not mean that under any circumstance there is no eating, so if a person were to experience drowsiness or aches he or she can break their fast and then make up for it after ramadan.

  7. Who said it was healthy?

  8. Its not really healthy but its a time when muslims remember what the poor and needy feels like . thats the real challenge.  

  9. They dont, because in the morning they eat loads of carbohydrates to fill them up. They dont pass out or feel the urge to eat then.

    Its not healthy, no one said it is. They just do it to please their god. Just say if you didn't eat for a while, you would loose weight right?

    Well Muslims become skinny because of that.

  10. True fasting isn't all that good for the body.

    But 30 days isn't life threatening, nor will it cause any permanent damage.

    It is the point really.

    Another weirdo tradition for religion.

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