
I can't seem to 'want' to have s*x with my husband.?

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I haven't had s*x for nearly a year now with my husband who I have been married to for 8 years. After having our son, (who is now 3 years old) I seem to have totally lost my libido. My husband calls me a nun because every time he tries to make a move I squirm away. Also, my husband and I have gained alot of weight over the years which has not helped me get turned on. Is this some sort of hormonal imbalance on my part?




  1. See a doctor. It doesn't sound like a healthy relationship.

  2. You need to go to your doc and have things checked out. ALSO, deep down, are you afraid of getting pregnant again? This might be the real cause for your problems.  

  3. visit an herbalist, they have herbs that will get you back in-sync

  4. Fist of all I had to raise an eyebrow when you said you have both gained weight. A lot of people, after gaining some weight, lose their s*x drive because they don't feel desirable. I would say do something for yourself. Pamper yourself, get a hair cut, get your nails done, go shopping for something s** may just give you the self esteem kick to get you back in the mood.  

  5. A lot depends on your age. Talk to your doctor about this

  6. go to a doctor or a therapist about this. it is not normal and you need to get this checked out. I don't know about your husband, but some husbands might suspect that their wife is cheating on them when they do not want s*x.

  7. Hook up with the old friends you used to have s*x with when you were younger. It helped my sexual relationship with my wife. She even had an order of protection against me and had filed for divorce and called me back and we have been having better s*x than we have ever had in 21 years. Once you realized what you have after a couple drunkin nights out and to only come home sticky, you'll like his sausage all over again with some new ideas from your flings.

  8. my suggestion...take your son to a relatives house for a weekend...go to a nice restaurant and try to rekindle what you lost...a nice romantic weekend might be good for you....

  9. I would go talk to your doctor and see there may be an issue.  Or it could be you just do feel s**y, and could be your sub conscious

  10. The first thing you need to do is figure out why your s*x drive is low and try to help get it back.  I was in your situation and it's not fun without being horny and feeling in the mood when needed.  I also felt like my orgasms (if I would even get one) were really weak.  Probably because of my s*x drive.

    However, I tried exercising and dieting but nothing seemed to be working.  I thought I was screwed.  I then found something just as amazing as the vibrator.

    My friend at work told me about this stuff she took to raise her s*x drive.  It was a natural herbal supplement and was I lucky to of found it.  Theres no side effects and the s*x drive is just tremendous along with orgasms that are blasting.  The stuff is called Hersolution pills.  At the time I saved money on them at

    What I did was tried out for 3 months and that was really it.  I found taking them every other day or so was the best to stretch it out. After the months were up, I was back to normal with a beating s*x drive and my o****m strength in increased so much.  

    Well good luck and I hope this helps.

  11. Well you need to realize that by denying your husband s*x you are asking for major problems. You think he cares if you are overweight?? He doesn't. But to go an entire year withholding s*x is not only selfish but you are literally asking him to go get it elsewhere. If my husband and I go longer than a few days we both start getting antsy. Go have some s*x with your husband now.  

  12. first i think you should maybe go to the Doctor and see what going on down stairs and i feel both of you should make a pack to loose weight maybe join the gym and start eating healthy cause food has a huge impact on how everyone acts everyday if your eating junk than your gonna feel like c**p and also maybe you both need some time away from the 3 yr old maybe a weekend to be with just each other

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