I am a guy in my late twenties. I'm stuck yet again on a Friday night with no friends to hang out with.
I have no friends, and never even had a girlfriend. All I have is a good job which takes up lots of hours but its better than having nothing.
When I see the full lives my colleagues are living on Facebook, I feel so empty. They are out with their friends in bars and traveling the world.
Meanwhile, I have absolutely no one. Plus, since I have no friends I'm embarrassed to meet people since they'll wonder EVENTUALLY why I have no one else to hang out with.
I'm also embarrassed that any future girlfriend would find out I have no friends. Or that I have no life except for job and some hobbies I have.
What the heck do I do? I'm so hopeless I haven't even led a life yet. I feel so behind....I am so short that girls dont like me though I'm educated, polite, and good-looking