
I can't seem to get past on-line questions any tricks?

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on-line questionnaires , I am like-able and personable , most of the questions are character stuff, how is this a pass or fail? I have 20 years experience in customer service why can't I get an interview or phone call at least?




  1. Well it might help to follow up after the questionnaires.  People can't expect to just fill things out online and then never follow up with a phone call the next week.  Sometimes employers need that reminder, that quick pat on the cheek that says, "Hey, remember me?  Yea, that's right I want this job."  Make yourself known, stand out or you will remain lost as a number in the online questionnaires.

  2. Just lie! I know its not honest but it works for me all the time. Obviously you are making yourself sound bad by putting the wrong answers. Just put down answers that sound like a good employee.

  3. if you cant pass their character test then it isnt a job you want. you simply would not fit in with the other employees or dont posess their definition of a good csr. youre better off applying elsewhere rather than trying to lie your way into a job.

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