
I can't seem to keep my left arm straight?

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Whenever I swing, I don't rotate my arms around my shoulders enough and i can't get my left arm to stay straight. If I try too hard my head moves. Any advice?




  1. Keep your head still; you can do it; stiffen your neck a little if you have to, that's all. You don't have to keep your left arm straight all the time, that is a myth.

  2. try little swings first and then when you become flexible enough try making bigger swings and you'll eventually have the full swing

  3. Instead of trying to keep your left arm straight, rotate your shoulders more during the back swing. A moderately straight left arm is the result not the cause of a good back swing.

  4. I had that problem too.

    And I find that keeping the left arm straight gives me much more consistency, so I try to do it.

    Next time your golfing, before you take your backswing, lock your left elbow and kink your wrist. And then just keep it this way through your backswing.

    This is what I always do when I can't keep it straight.

  5. 1st of all your left arm is supposed to bend at 90 degrees and the clubs toe should be pointed toward the sky at that point. try to keep your head still?

  6. check out this video...sounds like you have the good old chicken wing =)...i used to do it too!


  8. Practice, Practice,Practice , don't worry it will come . and Remember rotate your Shoulders as well , your head never stays perfectly still anyway just keep your eye on the ball.

    Good Luck , now go practice !!

  9. You don't want your left arm to be perfectly straight.You have to turn your hips and torso to get  the arms up to your shoulders and you set the club  more on the right arm as if  it were a shelf The left will bend a little. Then you set your lead foot which triggers the torso and shoulder turn at the same time delivering the club head through  the impact area. This is here the left arm is straight, not on the backswing.

  10. its not just your arms, its your hips and shoulders that have to make the turn also.  As you move your shoulders and hips, your arms will rotate more.

  11. Your left arm doesn't need to be completely straight in the backswing.  It only needs to be straight at impact.  Not all professionals can keep their left arms straight.  It's not a big concern.  I can't keep my left arm straight in my back swing.  If it is a big deal to you, just take the club 1/2 way or 3/4 of the way back or as far back until you can't keep your arm straight.  It really isn't a big deal though.

  12. Your left arm does not have to be perfectly straight, but too much bend will cause inconsistent results.  As has been said already, focus more on your shoulder turn and it will be a little easier to keep the left arm straightened and relaxed.

    If you have a problem with your head tracking too far back in the backswing, try this:  Get in your setup position.  Put a little more weight forward - then c**k your right knee (for a right-hander) very slightly toward your left knee until you are well balanced again.  During your backswing, this position will allow you to keep the weight transfer on the inside of the right foot which will keep you in place - don't allow the weight to go to the outside of the foot or you will not be able to get the weight forward in time to make a proper strike.  Also, don't take your backswing over the line as this will cause your head to move forward in order to keep balance.

  13. California Buckeye has the right idea, and it also helps if you stretch daily to loosen up your muscles.

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