
I can't seem to recall the name of a book i read about 6 yrs ago?

by  |  earlier

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it had to do with a little girl and her parents moving into a new house, and she finds this key to a door that was locked. when she opens it and goes through its her world reversed and everything is just really strange. i think all the people and creatures had buttons for eyes. and a hand or something made it out of the door at the end when she escaped. i don't know, but its been really bugging me that i can't remember the name.




  1. Hi!

    You may try the forum links below , I hope you find your book - good luck .


  2. is it Narnia? the lion, witch, wardrobe? no i dont think so... actually, your explanation reminded me of Pan's Labrynth [cant spell lol]

  3. sounds like a rip off of alice in wonderland

  4. The buttons for eyes makes me think of Neil Gaiman's Coraline.

    See if this looks familiar.

    Great book, BTW.

  5. Coraline, by Neil Gaiman. Button eyes, a rock with a hole in it, the beldame, a snow globe, and it's really rather creepy - does that sound right?

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