
I can't send a message to the group "" that I am already a member of.What is the problem?

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I can't send a message to the group "" that I am already a member of.What is the problem?




  1. There are multiple possible reasons this could be happening.  To answer your question better, I need Additional Details.  Are you trying to send the message to the Group by using the Post function on the Group's web site, or are you sending it to the Group by e-mail?  If the latter, are you sending it from the e-mail address you currently have registered with this Group?  Do you get an error message, and if so what does it say?

    BTW, in response to Stevillo's first sentence, even if you subscribed to the Group by e-mail, you can still post a message to the Group.

  2. if you joined by subscribing by email you may not be a full member.  also make sure your mail is less than 1mb.

  3. I am not certain if you are trying to contact the Owner or Moderators of the Yahoo!Group or trying to contact someone else that belongs to the Yahoo!Group.

    Usually, the Yahoo!Group Owner or Moderators' email addresses are displayed on the Yahoo!Group's Home page near the bottom similar to this:

    List owner:

    If you are attempting to contact a Member of the group via eMail, you would need the actual eMail address for that person.  You can visit the group and read one of their posts.  Then click on the eMail link for the Member towards the right side on their post.   Provided they allow eMail communications, you can then create a message to be sent to him/her.

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