
I can't serve. please help?

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I've been playing vball for 3 years and i still can't serve overhand. Any tips please!!!!




  1. aim higher and swing harder and faster.

    Lifting weights for the shoulders will help a lot

  2. Practice really hard! For some people, serving comes naturally. But others it is very difficult. I would recommend trying to follow through as much as possible. Do not throw the ball up to high and make sure you make contact with the ball with a solid part of the palm of your hand. It may help to take start at the 10 foot line and just start practicing getting the ball over the net overhand from there first. Than gradually back up. Also you can try just serving the ball against the wall at practice. Follow Through. I hope i helped some. Good Luck!

  3. ask a coach or a friend that knows how to!

  4. if you have a volleyball at home practice your toss, make sure it is straight over your hitting arm, slightly higher than your highest hitting point, and make sure you watch your hand hit the ball. my coach tells us to raise the ball straight in front of us with our non hitting arm and put the tips of our hitting fingers on the part of the ball facing you. then pull back like your shooting an arrow and as you raise the ball follow the paths angle with your hitting arm. your fingers act as shock absorbers so try to make sure you hit it with the palm of your hand. Hope i Helped!!

  5. Why can't you server overhand?  Are you not reaching the net?  If that's the case, it's probably form.  Remember that when you are hitting, you are not just using your shoulder.  You should be tossing the ball in front of you and stepping into the serve.  Of course be careful and don't step in bounds.  You're going to get a lot more power if you are actually stepping and your feet are not just planted.  Think about throwing a ball.  If all you do is use your arm, it's going to be a very weak throw.

    As far as using a closed fist, I don't recommend that at all.  Sure the fist is harder and will probably transfer more energy into the ball, it is also a weird shape and will give you a very little control and you'll probably serve out a lot.

    I wouldn't worry about strenght too much.  I've seen plenty of kids who are under 10 who can overhand serve on a men's height net from behind the back line.  It's really a matter of technique.

  6. strengthen your serving arm

    ask tips form your coach

    practice makes perfect

    there are also different techniques when serving overhand, so try and find one that best fits you.

  7. make sure that the ball is directly in front of you when you toss it, so that means that you will have to toss with your opposite hand (ex: if you serve right handed, toss with your left) and when you are serving just think of the ball as if it were just air (because thats all it practically is) also relax and don't rush the serve, and like everyone else said, strengthen your arm, and hand.

  8. you must do first some training, practices and agiLities to make the power of your hand strong when doing the hammer'serve..

    it's also good to move some steps forward to exert some force..

    keep practicing my dear..=]

    you'll be better for sure...^_^

  9. throw the ball up and hit it my sure your strong.. eat protein, protein, protein it will make you strong. and make sure your swing it straight.

  10. It's more than just hitting the ball. The toss has to be right, and so do your mechanics. Ask a coach for help.

  11. When I had trouble serving overhand, someone gave me a simple tip that worked.  It was almost too easy.  He said look up when I hit the ball.  So after I tossed the ball in front of my hitting shoulder, I simply looked up when I hit the ball.  By looking up, I automatically hit the bottom part of the ball which sent it up over the net.  Hope that helps!

  12. start doing pushups at night, as many as u can til u get used to it.

    also i really recommend serving with a closed fist until u get more power.

    and dont throw the ball up high, maybe about a foot and a half above ur head

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