
I can't sleep help!?

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I dont know why I cannot sleep at all tonight, I have to wake up very early in the morning (4:30) and its almost midnight now. Sleeping pills dont work for me, and I dont drink milk or tea. If I try to listen to soft music, it just keeps me even more awake. Help me please!!!!!




  1. If it take large time from you life ... I guess try some soporific. But the best un this case is call to your doctor and request some suggestions. Good luck!

  2. For one, you're worrying about not being able to sleep thus thinking about it. This is causing slight anxiety and panic.

    Another thing is that your on the pc whch always keeps you awake. Are you stressed or angry with something in your life? If so it couls be keeping you up and giving you mild insomnia.

    Try getting in bed, and just sit there thinking, if you want read a book for a little while, have some water next to you bed and just relax, you don't have to fall asleeo straight away, just si there and relax, you'll fall asleep if yyou calm down and relax yourself.

  3. idk

  4. I find lavender to be very relaxing try taking a bath with lavender salts. Also try rescue remedy. It is all natural and works instantly to calm you down. A little exersise won't hurt either. If you are tired out during the day you will sleep better at night.

    Good luck  

  5. sometimes its all in your head, if you tell yourself that you are not going to sleep because you Cant.. u just simply are not going to go to sleep. just lay down get comfortable & eventually you will go 2 sleep

  6. Try excercising for a little while during the day (or right now) to make yourself more tired and try to avoid sugary foods before bed.

  7. turn off all the lights and get comfy. think of th ocean while you try to go to sleep. try a hot bath maybe it will help

  8. get comforable in bed, close ur eyes and backwards from 100

  9. I don't know if this helps but try to avoid anything with a screen or electronic lighting - e.g. TV, phone computer- within the hour before you go to sleep. If you lie awake for a while just get up and potter around your room- your body needs to know that bed means SLEEP! zzzzzzzz

    hope this helps

  10. smoke a bowl or m********e

    im serious.

  11. Meditating helps. Pray for a long time and when you say something that means a lot to you or is important at the moment say it over and over slowly... Breathe deeply... be still.... relax all of your muscles... let your eyes rest helps me sometimes.

  12. first tip for a better sleep:

    Regular exercise, aside from many other wonderful health benefits, usually makes it easier to fall asleep and sleep better. You don’t have to be a star athlete to reap the benefits-- as little as twenty to thirty minutes of activity helps.  And you don’t need to do all 30 minutes in one session: break it up into five minutes here, ten minutes there.  A brisk walk, a bicycle ride or a run is time well spent. However, be sure to schedule your exercise in the morning or early afternoon. Exercising too late in the day actually stimulates the body, raising its temperature. That’s the opposite of what you want near bedtime, because a cooler body temperature is associated with sleep.  Don’t feel glued to the couch in the evening, though. Exercise such as relaxation yoga or simple stretching shouldn't hurt.

    second tip:

    The key to better sleep might be as simple as making some minor changes to your bedroom. Take a careful look around your sleep environment to see what might be disrupting your sleep.

    Your Bed

    Is your bed large enough? Do you have enough room to stretch and turn comfortably in bed, or are you cramped? Having a bedmate makes this even more important- both of you should have plenty of room to stretch out. Consider getting a larger bed if you don’t have enough space.

    Your mattress, pillows and bedding. Waking up with a cramp in your back or a sore neck? You may want to experiment with different levels of mattress firmness and pillows that provide more support. If your mattress is too hard, you can add a foam topper for additional softness. Experiment with different types of pillows – feather, synthetic, and special pillows for side, back or stomach sleepers. Consider your bedding—scratchy sheets might be making you uncomfortable in the middle of the night, or your comforter might not be keeping you warm enough. Consider soft, breathable cotton sheets. Flannel sheets may be cozy for the winter months.

    Your Room  

    Ideally, to maximize sleep, your room should be quiet, dark and at a comfortable temperature and ventilation.

    Keep the noise level down. Too much noise- loud outside conversations, televisions blaring, traffic noise - can make it difficult to sleep well. When the source of outside noise can’t be eliminated, sometimes it can be masked. A fan or white noise machine can help block outside noise. Some people enjoy recordings of soothing sounds such as waves, waterfalls or rain. Earplugs may also help, although you want to make sure they don’t block out important noises like an alarm clock if you use one.

    Keep your room dark during sleep hours. Early morning light can send your body clock the wrong signal that it is time to wake up. Or perhaps there is a streetlamp shining right in your window at night.  Heavy shades can help block light from windows, or you can try an eye mask to cover your eyes.

    Room temperature and ventilation. Who can sleep in a hot stuffy room? Or for that matter, a cold drafty one? If you can, experiment with the room temperature. Most people sleep best in a slightly cooler room.  Make sure that you have adequate ventilation as well - a fan can help keep the air moving. You also might want to check your windows and doors to make sure that drafts are not interfering with sleep.

    Reserve your bed for sleeping. Do you sometimes balance your checkbook propped up on your pillows? Or jot down some notes for tomorrow’s meeting? It might feel relaxing to do tasks like these on a comfortable bed. However, if you associate your bed with events like work or errands, it will only make it harder to wind down at night.

    third tip:

    Keep a regular bedtime schedule, including weekends

    Time of day serves as a powerful cue to your body clock that it is time to sleep and awaken. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, and it will be easier and easier to fall asleep. However tempting it may be, try not to break this routine on weekends when you may want to stay up much later or sleep in. Your overall sleep will be better if you don’t.

    In setting your bedtime, pay attention to the cues your body is giving you. When do you feel sleepy? Set your bedtime for when you normally feel tired, within reason – you may not want to make your bedtime 2am if you have to work at 8am! If you regularly go to bed when you don’t feel sleepy, not only is it harder to fall asleep, but you may start worrying about not sleeping, which can end up keeping you up longer! If you want to change your bedtime, try doing it in small daily increments, such as 15 minutes earlier or later each day.

    Foods that help you sleep  

    Maybe a rich, hearty dinner, topped off with a big slice of chocolate cake might seem like the perfect way to end the day, but it’s wise not to eat a large meal within two hours of bed. Try to make dinnertime earlier in the evening, and avoid heavy, rich foods as bedtime snacks.

    However, a light snack before bed, especially one which co

  13. don't do afternoon naps, it'll only make you awake. try with sleeping mask, the one with like water in it. Put it in the freezer for ten minutes, and use it. Or you can use cucumber, leave it in your fridge for fifteen minutes, slice it thinly (Don't slice the whole thing. Just slice for four or so), and put in on your eyes when you wanna sleep. it helps for me.

  14. LMAO at the guy below you.

    We will ware you out together.



  15. Get off the computer. Stay away from bright lights -- TV, computer, nightlight.

    Light a lavender-scented candle or something equally relaxing. (Then blow it out. You just want the scent, not to burn the house down.)

    Get into bed and be sure you are at a comfortable temperature.

    Focus on tensing up every muscle in your body, then relaxing them one by one.

    Try not to think about how you have to wake up early or any other stress, just focus on staying relaxed and calm.

    Breathe deeply.

  16. Try putting a hot water bottle by your feet and get off the computer!! Staying on the computer will only keep you up. Same with the tv. Get into your most comfortable pajamas and just relax. Imagine your toes relaxing first, then your ankles, then your calves then your knees, then your thighs... and so on. Think of every little part of your body relaxing and falling asleep. Try not to think of what you're doing tomorrow. And for the future, go buy some melatonin. I know you said that sleeping pills don't work for you, but this one is a natural chemical that your brain produces when you sleep. Taking it will make you sleepy enough to drift away.  

  17. Take two tylonol; pm's about an hour befor you want to sleep.

  18. read a book or just sit in bed. something boring like that.  

  19. r u anxious or depressed about n/e thing? if u are that could be subconsciouslyly keeping u awake. try 30 min a day in the morning of yoga or mediation. i know its sounds like a bunch of c**p but it works. clear your mind of EVERYHTING! do wat i do. picture a black screen. try to keep it like that for as long as u can. set an alarm for 30 min. so u dont keep lookin at a clock that will make u more anxious thus not helpin at all. good luck! -Kay

  20. do you have benadryl - it is quite safe and is used as an ingredient in "aids to sleep"

  21. try meditating
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