
I can't sleep!?

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please help me... can anyone know what can make me very sleappy beside alcohol... maybe some unusual methode or some cocktail?




  1. First off do what the guy says above, exercise and also stop telling yourself you can't sleep, the more you over think sleep the more sometimes you are like a dog chasing its tail because your anxiety builds. Try a warm or hot shower turn down the lights early and no computer or TV after a certain time. Make sure your room is not all cluttered up and that it is dark, use a reading light and get a book  or magazine that is easy reading,nothing exciting just something to look at by a reading light.  Plus I love Sleepy Time tea by celestial , but other tea company's carry different ones for sleep too. And the scent of lavender (use essential oil) is great to put a drop on the underside of your pillow_only if you care for the scent won't work if it turns you off or annoys you. Also go for some message therapy it helps too.

  2. Aside from exercising (which helps to tire you out, but make sure you stop at least 3 hours before bed time), there are a few natural supplements that can help. There's Melatonin, Valerian, Chamomile, Hops, L-Tryptophan, L-Theanine, Passionflower, and Scullcap (an herb).

    You can try any one of those to help you sleep naturally

  3. I am drinking this health drink which is comprised of 5 power herbs.  It is known to help people recover from most illnesses.  It is even known to cure cancer.

    I used to have insomia and it disappeared when I started drink that herbal juice.

  4. Passion flower yest take it in homeopathic doses.  The name will change.  It is Passiflora Q.  Most stubborn insomnia would vanish with 10 drop doses.  The cause of insomnia has to be ascertained for best solution.  For depressing events sorrow, death etc. Acidum phos, Ignatia, Natrum Mur, Aconitum can help.

    Sleeplessness due to business worries, general worries - Bryonia Alba, Ambra Grisea, Argentum Nit., Piscidia Q.

    Insomnia in alcoholics, drug and liquor habituals. -  Avena Sativa Q., Nux Vomica 30., Secale Corr(drug &liquor).

    Insomnia due to stomach upsets :  Alfalfa Q., Arsenic Album.(2AM onwards), Chamomilla (first part of night), Pulsatilla.

    Insomnia due to over activity of mind or excitement and happiness -  Coffea Cruda , Lycopodium (4.a.m. onwards)

    Insomnia of elderly - Phosphorus

    Insomnia of smokers - Plantago major.

    Insomnia due to nervousness, due to mental disturbances - Kali phos 200X

    Excitement, exhaustion, stress, sedentary habits - Nux Vomica 30 (wakes up at 3 to 4 A.M.  cannot sleep until morning and sleeps again to wake up unrefreshed)

    Nervous breakdown - Tabacum

    Neuralgic pains -    Conium Maculatum.

    Due to cramps  -  Cuprum Metalicum

    Tiring hard labour and aching muscles - Helonias

    Looks for a soft spot in bed, bed feels hard -  Arnica Montana

    Due to menopause, prolapse of uterus, urinary disturbances - Senecio Aur.  

    Obstinate and severe forms of insomnia -  Cannabis Indica Q.

    Anxiety and restlessness, gets up and walks, during pregnancy -  Belladonna

           Many other medicines according to symptoms.  

    Above is information.  Medicines should be used after consultation with doctor.

  5. You need to get in a routine, exercise etc..but add meditation or biofeedback tapes or really will will calm you and focus your will take 1-2 weeks to brake your old cycle though

  6. Ya I hear ya! I was like that I couldnt sleep. there are a few things you can try

    1) try having a sleep time tea about 30 minutes before bed

    2) there is a natural sleeping pill called Melatonin The brand that I use is SISU

    Melatonin is a hormone produced in the brain by the pineal gland from the amino acid tryptophan. The synthesis and release of melatonin are stimulated by darkness and suppressed by light, suggesting the involvement of melatonin in circadian rhythm and regulation of diverse body functions. Levels of melatonin in the blood are highest prior to bedtime.

    Hope that helps

  7. I used to suffer from insomnia, probably because I was a computer nerd playing world of warcraft.  However, i cut that c**p and started going to the gym six days a week, and I fall asleep within 10 minutes.  So in short, go to the gym, if you do, seek medical help, excercise depletes yo energy.

  8. Natural remedies include warm milk, melatonin, valerian, 5-HTP and others that you can find in a web search for "natural sleep remedies".
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