
.......I can't sleep............?

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My whole life, I've never been able to adhere to a normal sleep schedule.

This has gotten worse in recent years.

I've ended up sleeping 3-4 hours a night, and I feel like c**p most days.

Sleeping pills help me sleep but I feel really strange, and lousy, the next day.

Is there anything I can do, besides getting more medication, to help me sleep soundly? And maybe get into a regular schedule?





  1. You can absolutely fix this!

    This is the body's "check engine" light coming on. If you just take away the symptom the root of the problem is still there, and it will only continue to get worse - and don't become dependent on meds! That's exactly what happened to Heath Ledger.

    Your body is currently off balance and it's trying to tell you something. You need to schedule an appointment today with an Acupuncturist and find a place to start practicing Yoga and Meditation. This will help your body heal itself naturally and prevent future health issues - and you'll start sleeping like a baby!

  2. Natural remedies include warm milk, melatonin, valerian, 5-HTP and others that you can find in a web search for "natural sleep remedies".

  3. Sleep is a tough one. If you have insurance, you should ask your doctor to send you to a sleep center. You spend the night, and they monitor when, how, how deeply you sleep. You could have a problem that is treatable like sleep apnea, or something biochemical. I know they helped my father who really hates sleep medication, too. In the mean time make sure you get enough exercise, keep the caffeine intake very low, don't eat 3hrs. before trying to sleep, don't exercise just before sleep, try to wake up at the same time every morning. Sometimes warm milk helps. You might want to try a natual cure like melatonin or valerian. Oh- have your Dr. do a full blood workup. It could be an issue like a thyroid problem.

  4. i dont relly know just take a diffrent medicice thta might help too

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