
I can't sleep sometimes... I also have racing thoughts in my head at night and it wont stop! Can someone help?

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So, sometimes at night... i cant get to sleep. I'm super tired during the daytime. but when i get in the bed i am wide awake. and i have racing thoughts in my head. Am i going insane?!?




  1. Ok..this is going to sound silly...BUT...I do the same thing and sometimes have minor "anxiety" attacks if I allow those thoughts to race or get out of control...I "daydream"'t laugh, I acually make up scenarios in my head, no matter how dumb..but it just focuses my thoughts and calms my head until I can sleep...just pretend you can direct where your dreams take you...and ok, if you want to take 'em there, have fun with it.

  2. No, this is a common problem. Try changing your pre- sleep routine:

    1. Eat a cracker and a slice of turkey 1 hour before bedtime. Turkey has tryptophan, a compound that makes us sleepy. It's the reason we get sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner.

    2. Drink chamomile tea 1 hour before bedtime.

    3. Stretch your neck and back gently 1/2 hour before

    4. Take a warm/hot bath

    5. Avoid coffee and caffeinated sodas in general

    About the racing thoughts:

    1. Avoid watching the news

    2. Turn off all electronics (computer, TV, cell phones) 2 ours before bedtime

    3. Avoid negative people (critical of you constantly)

  3. That happens when i drink a lot of caffeine that day. If you do drink caffeine try going a couple days with limited or none of it.

  4. perhaps you are not busy enough during the day and are waking too late in the morning.  you might try 'melatonin' which is available over the counter at any drug store.  it is a natural type of hormone that induces your body's own clock to shut down (your brain's activity)

    it should aid in helping your mind to shut down.  wash and brush, etc before and take one pill as prescribed 20 mins before bedtime and grab a book to read during those 20 mins. or simply close your eyes and you should fall asleep before you know it. :)  

    also: follow javier's advice above.

  5. anxiety? go to the doctors sometimes that happens to me  

  6. read a book, get absorbed into it and go to sleep :)

  7. No, you are NOT going insane.

    You probably have some form of insomnia, accompanied by an anxiety problem. it's nothing to worry about, but a simple way(s) to remedy the problem is to

    - Get a good book, one that you should get absorbed in, and read in bed.

    - Get a pen and paper, write down your thoughts before you sleep and this should help put your mind at ease.

    - See your GP, explain your problem, (s)he should prescribe something to help.

    Happy to answer more!

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