
I can't stand living at home anymore. Please help. ?

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Here's the situation. My brother makes my life miserable. Whenever he doesn't get what he wants, he throws tantrums. And I'm not talking about 5 year old tantrums, this is 15 year old physical abuse. He kicks me and punches me, and threatens to kill my cat.

He locked my cat in the basement today, and when i let him out, he put dangerous objects in his food (wood, pop, etc).

My parents can't control him, and my dad told me that when I'm 18, I can no longer remain at home. He won't pay for my unversity tuition, since I'm not going the route he wants me to (Doctor, PHD).

I really need advice. Please. I'm scared for my cat, and my brother is out of control. My mom tries to give him what he wants, and it seems like I'm the only person that won't take his c**p.




  1. I understand all too well! my parents act like push overs and they let my sisters do what ever they please. This includes using drugs, having kids, being slobs around the house and while im going to school and working two jobs these "young women" get to strut around care free knowing that ma and pa got it all covered. I want to leave but a huge part of me feels that it would be in my best interest to stick it out and keep hold of faith in God. You should pray for your brother, but not only that, you should get and keep a relationship with God and ask Him to help you through.

  2. Next time your brother hits you or punches you, call 911.

    When they show up tell them your parents cannot control him and he is  physically abusing you.This will get mom and adad's heads out of their butts!Tell him about thethreats to your cat too.

    It will also get your punk brother into jail and counseling sessions where he belongs.He will look good in a nice white jacket with 6 foot wrap around sleeves.

  3. Get a keyed lock for your bedroom door and learn to play keep-away.

    Stay away from the house until your parents arrive home. Either leave your cat in your room or leave it outside so it can run from your brother.

    Your parents are not doing themselves any favors by babying a 15 year old brat. They need to teach him the skills he will need to make his own way in the world NOW... beginning with respect, responsibility, ethics and so forth. As is, they will be supporting him throughout adulthood.

    Your parents have serious control issues. So what is it that you want to go to college to learn? There are Doctorates and PhDs in all sorts of fields. It takes at least 2 years just to get though ANY core curriculum before you can take classes towards a Bachelors degree in any profession... you might as well let your parents pay for it. Go to a college AWAY from home so you can live in a dorm.  Come home with a bunch-load of university catalogs and ask your dad to help you pick a good school.

    Get slick and play along.

  4. if your brother is being violent with you call the police, if he is being cruel to your pet call the police.

    if your parents can't control him, the police can.

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