
I can't stay focused at all...?

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i'm actually really smart but i just can't focus at all. any suggestions?




  1. Just try to get more sleep & try exercise.  

  2. maybe you have terets.


  3. I'm the same way, i listen to music while studying i don't know why but it helps, everyones different though so i would either try new things or see a dr

  4. if you can focus your probably not really a child at heart.  teenage years are the greatest times filled with dreams about what may be and everything seems mystical.  i suggest trying to find a balance, placing yourself in an environment where you can focus so you can just get the work done and let your interests wander to other things afterward.

  5. Someone had suggested concentration tablets to me so i could concentrate when studying, you can get them from any pharmacy i think..

    Try omega 3 also, ive heard that helps you concentrate . You can get omega3 tablets from supermarkets or boots, or just eat foods high in omega 3

    Get 8-9 hours of sleep, and drink plenty of water also, or drink green tea to calm you

  6. Not to be cliche, but the mind is a powerful thing. I new a fella that had taken acid (there are plenty of stories like this) but when he looked at his arms, it was nothing but an intricate system of gears, all turning in unison, turning each other, kinda like old-school clocks. Just the fact that your mind can see something like that is ridiculous to think about, even if it was "drug induced" it was still something the mind came up with. People, even scientists, know relatively little about the mind, and it's one of those things where people just kinda "use it" but don't learn how it works... much like the average person using a light-switch to turn on a light, but not knowing about the electricity, and the wiring and such.

    With that preface my advice to you is to spend time, starting at one minute, moving up to however long, just sitting down, laying down, whatever, and just trying to think about nothing at all. Just try to "clear your mind" ha, pun intended, being serious though. But it's the concept of the bringing your body and mind under your control, like pain tolerance, and the "I'm in control" policy with weight-watching. So just spend time, take a deep breath, try to relax your muscles, stop thinking about problems, or things to do, and once you do that first, it becomes easier to think about nothing. It's not anything "religious" or "spiritual" but it's kinda like meditation to a degree I guess.

    It may sound silly, but it is harder than one would think to first start out doing. So start out at around a minute, move to five, then move to half an hour, and so on to what you want. But this really helps headaches, it helps a frantic mind, it helps tense muscles, or chronic pain, it can help you sleep better at night, stay awake at night, study, amongst many other things.

  7. sux for u cuz i have the same problem... i get bored really easily and im easily distracted...

  8. leave NY! hahaha j/k

    i had that problem in high school. talk to your friends and family.

  9. Just try and turn your ipod off and concentrate lol xx

  10. get off the sugar, coffee and coke a cola

  11. stop looking in the mirror and go out and get that itch that you have sorted get into debt and try and get out go do what you want to do let the heart rule the body you will eventually get their if not ask again

  12. i would go to a quiet place and just focus

  13. Change your diet and take Ginko Biloba

  14. Foucused in what? School? You could have ADD if you really can't have foucus at all.

    help me please!;_ylt=AiB7Q...

  15. Oh that Joker is a right pain lol.

    ..Um drink Red Bull. It gives you energy.  

  16. You might have ADD See a doctor

  17. what are you trying to focuse on ?

  18. ginka baloba

  19. Part of lack of concentration comes from not sleeping 8 hours.

    Drink some soothing teas to calm your nerves, that will help you to concentrate better.

    Good luck

  20. ammm MUSIC!!! dat gets me focused  

  21. Where?

  22. Just...relax. I have this issue all the time.  

  23. Keep your eye on the ball.

    AVENGE ME!!!

  24. A.D.D, next.......

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