
I can't stop biting my nails. Now they are shorter than ever. Help!!?

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ok, my nails are so short, im starting to chew on skin. do you have any advice? if not, just tell me to STOP IT!!!




  1. Same problem here. I used to get my friend or family member or whoever to slap my hand sharply if I bit my nails. I know it seems childish, but it worked for quite a while. I also find that if my nails are a pretty color, I don't bite them. Plus, nail polish tastes weird. I'm back to square one now but hey, I tried and succeeded for a while.

  2. they have this product that makes your nails taste bitter so that itll stop you from chewing it eventually. harsh,but it works.

  3. Sorry I can't help I have that problem too. I did this and it helps a little cut a jalepeno and just rinse your hands it will make the spicy so that you might stop.

  4. oh wow that's a bad habit, just think about something else when i feel like biting your nails, or but hot sauce on it, so when u bight it Ill burn your tung and just wont do it anymore. ha ha lol or make a new habit instead of biting your nails twirl your hair, make that a habit instead.

  5. when i was kid my mother use the PEPPER  on my just reminded me do not do that.

    good luck

  6. i have the same problem, also. i had stoped for awhile, then started to slowly bite them off. my advice would be to chew gum or to put on the nasty tasting nail polish. what helped me was to keep my hands away from my mouth.

    hope this helps:)

    ps: acrylic nails CAN break. when they put rhem on, they make your nails super thin and put on the acrylic. i bit the nails and they would crack off and one of them didnt break on the outside, but tore the actual nail and started bleeding. only get acrylics if you wont bite them at all

  7. I also bite my nails. I told my self to stop last summer and then they grew and then I had something to bite to and they became shorter.And then again.Now I also chew on my skin. It's a problem. I want to put fake nails. But will my nails grow?

  8. You need to get fake nails. I know they aren't that great and you have to keep them up but they will help you. Until you bite the nail off, then just go get them done again.

    If you get them done for a few months and you go without biting you could break the habit.  

  9. This is a very simple question to answer.

    1. Place bandage (or just medical tape) around all your fingers.

    2. Put ample amounts of vick's on your fingers. they are very bitter tasting, and when you go to bite your fingers, the bitter taste will be unbearable, and eventually this taste will train your mind not to taste your fingers. Thus preventing and stopping you from biting your fingers.

  10. STOP IT!!!

    but i have advice lol

    get acrylics

    you cant bite fake nails

    and they look cute

    if you keep them on for a few weeks hopefully it will break ur habit

    or if u dont like fake nails just paint them so cute that you dont want to bite them

    hope i helped


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