
I can't stop thinking about s*x?

by Guest21543  |  earlier

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is it normal, I am 14 and a half?

and NO i am not planning on having s*x any time soon!!! I am waiting...

and how can I stop thinking about s*x?




  1. Welcome to puberty.

  2. sounds like you may have been molested early on and now that you are getting older you feel the need for s*x.

  3. Try some type of extracurricluar activity such as soccer,arts and crafts, whatever interests you. It will help take your mind off of it. Also ask you mother, or another female you feel close they can relate to you.. I think its normal to for you to think about it because your hormones are raging.. Excercise always helps though. Cold shower w/e

  4. just stop your too little to be so horney

  5. Keep yourself busy with other stuff!

  6. m********e! :D

  7. welcome to hormone land.

    its normal to wonder about.

    just dont let it get in the way of your normal life...

  8. Don't watch so much tv!

    You could m********e -seriously!

    Definitely will give you relief, and will let you concentrate on other thing's.

    Everyone does it, don't worry

  9. I thin evoc instructor is full of s--t. It's called hormones and curiosity. s*x is healthy learn about it do some research. Than when your old enough you will at least have some idea what your doing. If more teens had studied s*x education there wouldn't/t be all these kids having babies.  In the U,S. A. we rank 25th in the world in education. Pretty d**n sad.

  10. Keep yourself busy like listening to music, read anime, play video games, watch anime shows like sailormoon. That's what I like to do.

  11. i think ur doing ok.

    hormones can make u feel all kinds of ways.

    puberty can release hormones that make u happy, sad, angry, anxious, or just feel the need to to something,

    like wat u said. keep ur mind busy with other things.

    read a good book or do some sports.

    i think u'll do just fine.

  12. Its just being curious its fine but trust me dont get into stuff ure not sure about too young it will really messes u up. so only try things when ure sure.

  13. it's just your hormones

    it'll calm down after a while just give it some time

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