
I can't stop thinking of this girl, and shes always comming to me in my dreams?

by  |  earlier

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What does this mean?




  1. Aww....I have no idea. I'm not a dream interpreter. (SORRY!) Maybe you should talk to her... It seems like it'd be romantic of you to tell her she's in your dreams....just don't make it sound creepy!

  2. You have feelings for her!

  3. You probally like her?! Da!

  4. Eh; it probably means that you either: A)Like her B)Should be her friend. Sometimes, it's possible that both of you are having mutual dreams (Extremely rare), and both think that you should befriend the other.

    Other than that, I don't have any suggestions :P

  5. i think it pretty much answers itself. Either ask her out or get to know her,  who knows you might actually join hands one day. (dont get your hopes too high but i think she's a potential girlfriend)

  6. Shes in your dreams cuz you thhink about her all the time


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