
I can't submit art to deviantart because the category list won't load.?

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I have been trying off and on to submit art to deviantart, but the category list won't load. I am extremely annoyed by this. I had no problems with the old version. I tried with the latest version of internet explorer, as well as firefox. I appreciate any and all help. Thank you so very much!




  1. I think their site may not be working properly at the moment... I just finished some artwork of my own that it's not letting me submit because the boogie emoticon at the category loading screen won't go away. The little punk is taunting me... T_T

    This is the only time I've had this problem and, to my knowledge, I haven't changed anything major in my internet browsers.

  2. Read this:

    It says:

    We are currently aware that the submission process is not functioning. The Devious Technology department has been made aware and no further reports are needed to the Help Desk at this time. ~ewm

    I wanted to submit something too.

    But I found out that it didn't worked. The annoying boogie emoticon was dancing on my screen for more than a half hour.

    I tried Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera. But all of them didn't worked.

    So it's deviantART.

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