
I can't take being around my brother anymore!?

by  |  earlier

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It's getting harder and harder to be around him!

I ALWAYS bend around backwards for him, usually just simple things like where we go to eat on holidays, or who gets to sleep where and so on.

But when it comes time that i want to maybe play my game on the TV while he is SLEEPING he suddenly wakes up and just HAS to watch the Olympics!

Well, okay you can watch the Olympics, I'll wait until you go back to sleep again.

So i am sitting next to him on the computer minding my own business when i decide i want to look up a song on i-tunes, he yells at me saying turn it down. I turn it down to three squares and still he asks me to turn it down when I can hardly hear it anyway.

Things like that, unnecessary things, happen every day.

It makes me clench my teeth, and give in and leave to go cry in my room.

Sometimes i just want to murder him, but I'd never do that because he's my brother!

A few times it'll get so bad he will punch me really hard, since he goes to tae kwan do.

Im sick of being pushed around by him!

I get terrible headaches from grinding my teeth when i'm around him.

he is 14 and i am 13, I've gotten over the whole sibling rivalry c**p, I'm past that, moved on and matured, but he just won't let go!

Please help me, I can't live like this one more day!




  1. While I think you believe you have gotten over that sibling rivalry c**p, as you put it, it will linger for many years to come, and one day you will look back and just shake your head at the things that make you so mad today. Trust me I know what I am talking about. In the meantime just avoid confrontational situations and wait for him to grow up!!!  

  2. You must talk to your parents about that stuff! You're brother is too irritating! He's always been a contradiction to everything you do. Talk to your parents and express what you feels, I think your brother is immature, he doesn't understands you. You must keep distance to him. Talk to your parents, explain your side, and everything that your brother does to you. Open it up to them. Be strong.  

  3. wow he takes tae kwon do classes and he hits you?! d**n if you get mad at him get a stick and hit up side the head and anybody asks he wanted to beat you up.

  4. my   bro  get  nervers    we  get  along

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