
I can't take it, i feel horrible?

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I started a private catholic high school two days ago that my parents foreced on me, i hate it, i dont know anyone there, im so lonely, i feel so depressed. i have school tomorrow and i cant stop crying i feel like c**p. its already midnight, and my parents just yelled at me, i ust wanna go to public high school.

right now i feel like i should do something drastic, please, what do i do




  1. I know from strict parents you just cant tell them straight out how you feel. you have to work around them. I know. I think you should go there for at least 2 weeks to try it out. Just be shy and approachable and peple will ome to you like flies to a grabage bin. Ok bad simile. i apologize

  2. I can understand why you feel pretty alone right now..  I think you did a drastically good thing for yourself by writing here and asking for help. That takes some guts.

    I've had nights like yours tonight, where it seems like there's no answer, and tomorrow is looking pretty grim. Those nights I remind myself of the times I've been there before, and that whether or not you solve the problem that night you still need to sleep.   So put it down for a bit try to get some rest. I've found it's not quite as bad in the morning as it was that night at midnight, or 3:30am.

    At school tomorrow you won't know many people at first and you will feel lonely and awkward. But that's normal, and nothing wrong with you. There will be days you feel bad--on those days all you are responsible for is to show up. But keep your eyes open.    If you do, you'll start to see some little things that are interesting. Pay attention to those and slowly things will get better. And anything at all you can do to help anyone else out will show you that below a lot of the c**p people really do care about each other.

    The experience of being thrown into a situation you didn't choose where you don't know anybody is a part of life that will happen again at least a few times, and (for me at least) it's never easy.  But all that matters is how you choose to deal with it.

    And when it seems really tough, don't be afraid to ask for help, just like you did tonight. You are never completely alone. Whether you find someone to talk to, or go online, there are plenty of people who care enough to listen and try to help.

  3. Relax.  There is really nothing you can do about the school situation AT THIS MOMENT - it's late.  Just accept for now (you don't have to like it) that you need to go to this Catholic school.  What you are experiencing is common - it's new and you have images of being happier in a public school...and you may be.

    Give it a few weeks - one day at a time.  Try to be nice to people and focus on your education.  Wait and see.  

    Your parents are your authority - so you need to obey then (I know that can be very hard).  But maybe they will come around to your side of thinking.  But calm down first

  4. Well, it's only 2 days.  You may find that in a couple of weeks you will feel better because you might know some more people.

    If you really don't want to go there, sit your parents down and talk to them calmly about how you're feeling.  If you feel you can't do that, write them a letter.

    I know it must be really daunting, I was one of those people who HATES change, I dreaded doing anything different.  Sometimes you have to try and make the best of a bad situation.

    Don't do anything drastic.  Maybe write that letter now, get your feelings out, then give it to your parents.

    Good luck!

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