
I can't take it anymore. Girls, help?

by  |  earlier

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He stares at me, and when I look over will either smile and glance down, or look away really fast. He will look over at me when he's talking in this summer class we're both taking and keep his eyes glued to me for like 5-10 secs. I feel like I'm about to burst because I've liked him for 2 years! Should I just tell him? If so, how?




  1. tell him, flat out

  2. Tell him, deffinatly tell him.

    Tell him, in a text. or call.

    Just start a causal conversation... Then just go with the flow.... and say "I like you"

  3. the way i would do it.. is like if u need help or sumthing on a  task that u have too complete i would just say hey do u have this answer or do u know this.. that way it gets him too talk too you, there for in time he will come out and say or give u a hint that he like you.

    but thats just what i would do lol

  4. tell him

  5. Yeah, he definitely likes you.

    Your both in the same class?!

    Girl!! Go ask him to "Study" with you for that final coming up!!.

    Boys today are super shy, they appreciate a girl asking them out once in a while.

  6. yes TELL him lol!

    he either knows you like him or he likes you. i say go up to him and say whats up.. talk about common intrest and when it doesn't feel akward [like if you both are laughing] say you know what? i like you.

    just like that.. ive done that before then he asked me out like a week later .. uhm it didn't work out. hm all i have to say is LOOKS CAN BE DECIVING.!lol :) but it's worth a shot,no? what's the worst that can happen.. him rejecting you is not all that serious

  7. go up to him sit next to him and be like hi im (ur name)


    then say oh its a hot day im thinkning about getting some ice cream after class wanna join?



  8. my god yes, he's giving you clear sign.

  9. go for it he obviously likes you a lot! Say hey someone told me who you like and i think she likes you back, but just to make sure, who do you like? when you ask him questions like this it'll make him think that you know and he'll be more inclined to tell you.

  10. do you talk to him? are you friends? if so then tell him face to face if you have the courage cuz it sounds like he might like you too! if you don't have the courage, have a friend do it or give him a note. any way you think works best. =)


  11. dont give him a note ive done that ik u rele wanty to tell him but i wouldnt because i thought the same and i gave this guy a not on the 2nd to last day of school and he wont talk to me and hes making my summer like he!! so if u want to go ahead but im just worning u good luck

  12. I'VE BEEN THROUGH the same thing! lol, well first of all, if you're the same popularity, go for it. if he's a lot more popular, u need to be a little more cautious. just walk up to him, talk. see where things go, and if u feel confident, just tell him.  

  13. Ask him why he is staring at you then tell

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