
I can't take it anymore!!!!!!! ?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend of 4 years is jealous if i don't get home right way or who i talk to or if i spend to much time at my moms on tuesdays. I'm just tired of it. i'm so frustrated. i can't take it anymore!!!! what can i do? or is there nothing i can do, but leave him??




  1. Tell him to stop worrying like a little girl and let you do your thing.  Real men dont cry when their woman visits their mother.

  2. The only person you have power to change is yourself.  I recommend you dump this guy and spend some time figuring out why you seem to think that you deserve no better than to be in a relationship with someone who tries to control you.

  3. I would leave him. If he is jealous over nothing than he has issues that he needs to resolve himself. It doesn't seem fair that he is making you the target, making you miserable.  

  4. YEs YES YES. he is controlling and it will only get worse. trust me.

  5. he has trust issues...

    counsiling or leave

    it won't get better, probably worse...

  6. seems like there is no other option, but atleast try talking to him about it first.

    if he doesn't care, leave him.. good luck

  7. Don't marry him it will only get worse.

    Hook him up with a hobby!

  8. Tell him it is none of his dang business and that you will leave if he can't understand this. Make him see a shrink, or leave.

  9. Leave him if my gf would act like that I would next her.  

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