
I can't take it anymore!!!?

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I have an almost 4 year old girl. She has been goin to daycare for 3 months now. She also goes to her grandmothers house almost every other weekend, which she loves. She went to grandma's this last weekend. When we went to bed sunday night, she kept whinning and did not sleep thru the night. This is still continuing. I need some sleep and for all of us to sleep thru the night. I am up for any suggestions as to her problem.




  1. Why don't you ask her what's wrong- maybe something happened at grandma's that's scaring her, ask her to tell you what's going on.....

  2. Ok, I am probably going to catch h**l for this daughters baby doctor said that once in awhile it is okay to give a baby a 1/2 teaspoon of benedryl to help them sleep.  I understand how desperate you can get for sleep.  I have been there.

  3. Is she not going to sleep right when you put her to bed and whining or is she asleep and wakeing up whining?

    If she is whining and not going to sleep it could be that she is either not tired or overly tired. What you can do is cuddle with her and read a story and help her get calm enough to sleep. maybe play a lullaby cd in her room that may help.  Give her a nice warm cup of milk or tea might help her feel warm and cuzzy and want to go to sleep.

    If she is waking during the night whining and seems like it maybe dream whining it could be bad dreams or night terrors.  My daughter who is 4 is going through this right now and it is hard.  there is not much you can do for this other then comfort her and and get her back to sleep.  The reason this may be happening is because maybe a change that has happened.  You said that she has just recently gone to daycare and grandmoms for the weekends. Maybe that could be it.  I don't know your situation but maybe if you can get a little back to normal as much as possible and maybe cut some sugar out of her diet and not too much stimulation before bed then maybe that will help.  I am trying all of this now so I can't tell you if it works but I do know a lot of children go through this and it is hard to figure out why and how to fix it.  

    Good Luck!!!

  4. Wow...a 4 year old not sleeping.  Try and wear her out at the pool and put her down early.  Also, see if backing up her bedtime helps.  She may be overly tired which is causing her not to sleep.  Try bedtime routines. Tell her that she can look at a picture book for as long as she likes as long as she makes no noise and lets mommy sleep.  Just hang in there and stay firm with her.  I think you may need to diagnose the problems as to whether it is her not settling down, something awakening her, or just sleep disruption.  I would try naps/earlier bedtime along with a routine.  Check to make sure nothing is hurting her and that her room is comfortable.

    After that, there isn't much you can do.  Good Luck.

  5. It sounds like she is overtired. My mom said that the first time I ever got sick was when I started preschool. I also started crying alot, whining and was often very cranky especially when she would pick me up. I actually remember irritable on the car rides home, crying and telling her to turn off the music or turn it up because I couldn't hear it. It may have been a control thing (not enough attention or negative attention only at preschool or because I was exhausted and overstimulated).

    If you can afford it, can you pull her from daycare and have her stay with grandma? Otherwise, make sure she is on the same schedule every day and give her weekends to rest. I'd also check up on her napping schedule at daycare. I don't agree with the Benadryl lady because that is just a temporary solution to the symptoms, not the problem.

  6. Sounds like when she is at grandmas she is allowed to sleep with grandma.  All I can suggest is that you talk with grandma and stop this practice.  You are simply going to have to allow her to whine and cry until she learns to self soothe and stop any sleeping with any adult (grandparents, aunts, uncles etc) because now that is what she wants.  She has gotten into that habit and it will take some time to break it.

  7. Sounds like she needs to go to your nearest pediatrician

    tell him what you told us.  He may give you some good medicine for either you or the child.  She may have a problem that is best treated early.

  8. If she was at home with you before daycare, my first thought may be that she is waking up because she wants to spend more time with you, or may feel insecure about you being there for her.  If she's in daycare and goes to her grandmother's every other weekend, that doesn't leave a ton of mom time.  I'm not judging, I know that everyone is busy and that you are doing the best you can for her. I would just try to spend a little more quality time with her, tell her how much you love her and reassure her that you will always be there for her.  I take care of kids who are 4 and when they miss mom or dad, a picture to sleep with helps a lot and makes them feel like their parent is there.  Good luck, being a mom is the hardest job there is!

  9. Well why was she whinning? What was the issue? Did she not want to go to bed, or not want to go  bed alone? What are the sleeping arrangements at Grandmas. Maybe she is sick? There really isn't to much to go on here.

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