
I can't take my daughter's hamster to the vet ,but it looks like it's foot is broken or infected

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It's foot is all black and swollen ,but i can't take to the vet.If you know how to fix it at home then answer me please.




  1. WHY CAN'T YOU TAKE THE POOR THING TO THE VET??? I'm begging you to (if you can) take it to the vet.

    If not:

    it may spread to all over the body and the hamster might die. Try icing it.  

  2. While there is likely nothing a vet can do surgically for a broken food in a hamster they can provide pain medication and prevent infection.  The hamster needs pain medication regardless of any other treatments given.  Hamsters will likely not show signs of pain but this injury is in fact painful.  Think about how you would feel if your foot looked like that.

    You need to get the hamster pain medication, it is cruel and irresponsible to do anything else.  You are intentionally allowing an animal to suffer.  I realize that money may be an issue but there is usually someone to borrow money from, a credit card to use or something that can be sold/pawned.  There are also Care Credit cards that can be used at vet clinics.

    As for what you can do at home *after a vet visit for pain relief* you'll just need to restrict movement.  Remove any wheels and block of access to any higher levels in the cage.

    Good luck at the vet.

  3. I completely agree with Alissha.

    While a vet can't set a broken foot in a small rodent, pain meds CAN be provided, as well as antibiotics. It likely won't be more than $100. That amount can usually be dug up or charged on a credit card and paid back quickly if you make a few cutbacks in your life for a month or two. As for the foot, it should heal in time as long as the hamster isn't allowed to move around more than necessary.

  4. There is no way for the vet to fix a broken foot. Our rat broke her foot when she tried to run out the front door after us and we accidently slammed it.

    It will heal on its own. To try to help, wrap it in gauze or vet wrap. It wont last long, though. The hamster will pick it off.

    Just leave him be. Take any wheels or ramps or ladders out of the cage. You dont want him walking around too much or climbing anything. Make sure he is only on one level.

    You should notice him acting normal in about a week or so. Our rats foot was swollen for a week, and then it healed perfectly fine.

    As I said before, there is NOTHING A vet can do for a rodent's broken foot. They can try to put a cast or wrap on it, but it will just get chewed off and is pointless.

    Good luck :)

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