
I can't take this anymore, please help me?

by  |  earlier

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Me and this girl have been friends for 8 years. For the past 5 months I've had a huge crush on her. The other day, I finally told her. She has a boyfriend though, and they've been on and off together for 9 months. She is very in love with him, but he emotionally hurts her with the fights they always get into. This breaks my heart, because even though I can't be with her, I still want her to be happy. She deserves much better. I don't think she feels the same way about me. I just want my feelings for her to go away. Does anybody know a way to?




  1. Do your best to move on and just be there for her as a friend.  You cannot always be the hero as romantic as that is... Good luck man.

  2. beat the guy up. Like in the movies. Then she'll be like , "oh my hero!". And realize that what she needed most was right in front of her.  Lol...jk

    Umm...find another girl?

  3. You have told her, and maybe someday she will come to her senses and realize that you are a much better choice. Just stick with her as a friend, support her when she gets hurt. It isn't a bad thing to like her, it only means you care about her and want to get closer to her. If you want to keep your mind off her though, try to find someone else.

    Good luck!

  4. No, but you'll lose those feelings for her anyway. I think you just wanted someone better for her, and since there wasn't anyone around, you tricked yourself into thinking that you should be the one responsible for her happiness. You should talk to her about her boyfriend and stating that you're not trying to get her to be your gf, but you want her to be happy and treated like she deserves. Good luck!

  5. Bummer dude.

    Look, there is no way the feelings will disappear in a matter of a second so give yourself some time.  She knows how you feel so the ball is in her court.  

  6. Obviously you have told her that you have feelings for her but she chose not to act. so that probably mean she doesn't have feelings for you. maybe it's time to move on and find someone else you might like more.

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