
I can't talk to my mom?

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I need help. I can't talk to my mom at all about anything involving being a "girl" whenever she brings it up I ge really angry and annoyed. All of my girlfriends ( I don't have that many who I'm close to) can talk to their moms about EVERYTHING. I'm not kidding. I'm extremly upset. what should I do? I know my moms upset too.




  1. You are getting older so why dont you try and mend things with your mom? Just start talking about your life and see if she will listen :) If not, maybe someone else close to you like a sister, aunt, cousin?  

  2. Okay, I feel the EXACT same way. I'm almost 14, and all my 13 year I couldn't talk to her about anything. I really wanted to talk to her, but then when she tried to talk to me, I would get really mad at her.

    Next time she tries to talk to you, THINK about what your going to say before you say it. If your mom comes to tell you something, don't jump "Mom I know I'm not stupid I know that!". Think before you open your mouth. I know I had an issue with that.

    Doing in this way, you will learn to be more comfortable talking to your mom, and your mom will come to you more (and you will go to her). I still have a problem talking to her about boys though. Not s*x, but like hot guys, people I like, stuff like that. I leave that for my friends lol.  

  3. still cant talk to my mom...maybe try talking to another female that close to you like an aunt.

  4. I have two girls myself 19 and 18. But i remember feeling the same way you are now with my own mum, looking back the angry was mainly embarrasssement,  the being annoyed it's because you want to be grown up and not have your mum telling you what to do sort of thing,  Both my girls did find it hard to start to talk to me about all sorts of things but it did get easier.  just remember your mum is a girl herself and has been through it herself. it will be hard to start talking, but a mum is your best friend, she may well tell you what to do, but thats what mums do. start with something simple the obvious thing is your periods. dont get annoyed at your mum you may really need her one day.

  5. One of my daughters girl friends, you sound a lot like her. She wears black nail polish and two prongs she can take out from her lip. She was in honors in high school slowly developed friends.I think you like her you are a great kid, I know you may thinks but you are a Dad, doesn't matter. You may be different from what your Mom was as a girl start there as her advice about it. If you are scared about the start discuss it with a girlfriend in her presence but open see if she joins in. Watch a television show with her to get the feeling of wanting to do things together then talk. You are not a problem nor her unless you both don't try. Good luck to you

  6. Just give her a chance. I didn't talk to my mom about anything. Now we talk about everything!!! Your mom really is the best person to talk to about those sorts of things. You are probably just getting embarrassed cause its weird at first but just realize shes a girl too.  

  7. is there something that your mom is missing in the fun? i mean is she a jelius,  and one more thing your mom must be single right? if any of thease theres your problem!

  8. you need to come to her and break the ice. the woman birthed you... she knows you the best whether you know it or not. i know i sound like someones mom...but i am! trust me, if you get past all of the anger, which you shouldnt have that much towards your mom, at least i hope not-your relationship could be so much better!

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