
I can't taste anything!?

by  |  earlier

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i'm sick, and i can't taste anything! what can i do to make this go away? or at least lessen it??




  1. If you are sick, that is just the way it will be until you are well again. If you want to taste the food better, the only thing I can suggest is to put more spice in it like garlic. Not only will you tast it better but garlic has often been used to help speed up the healing process---from being sick of course.

  2. Have a shot of bourbon. I mean you are in the beer, wine and spirits section.

    But My friend introduced me to the BAD HOST THEORY.

    Did you ever notice old people (80 or older) take a shot of bourbon when they are getting sick?

    Well Alcohol is a poison, and it thins your blood. So it makes it pretty inhospitable in your body when you drink, so germs can't really take a hold, and can't travel very well (most are killed by alcohol). Ta-da Bad host therory.

  3. Have a shot of Jameson's...Irish cure all!!!

    I like to make Hot Toddys too... I use the Jameson's instead of brandy because that's whats in the house.

    1 tbsp honey

    3/4 mug of hot tea

    2 shots brandy

    1 slice lemon

  4. You can't. If your sense of smell is out because of a stuffy nose/infection of the sinuses, it really mutes your sense of taste. When your feeling better, your sense of taste will come back :)

  5. My opinion is try to drink somethng any way. See what happens Try smoking alot of cigarrettes! Actually take 3 motrin  and drink it down with a nice, or in my case a cold beer!!!

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