
I can't tell if I'm g*y or bisexual or even straight?

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I'm 15 right now and I'm a boy. I can't tell if I'm g*y, bi, or straight. Here are some info to help you tell me:

- I feel aroused by men

- BUT, I never want to marry a man or have a relationship with a man.

- In fact, I actually want to marry a woman and have children when I grow up.

- I really want to marry a woman because I want to love a woman, not a man. I want to care for a woman and love her, but I dont for a man.

- But I don't really get aroused by woman.

- I sometimes act a bit g*y, so I try to act as straight as possible. This is not to fit in, at least i don't think it is.

- I just DON'T want to act or be g*y if I am.

- Now I'm pretty much very straight the way I act and everything. I watch and think every move I do so I don't act g*y. Again, this is because I deep inside, don't want to be g*y or act g*y, if I am.

- As I said earlier, I actually want to have a relationship, date, marry, and love a woman. And even have children.

- I don't like shopping, especially for clothes and fashion.

Maybe I'm just sexually g*y, but mentally straight maybe, i dont know. Cause I feel aroused by a man, but I don't want to have s*x with them, I find that just sick. But I don't get very aroused by woman, maybe a little.

I don't really like g*y people, espeacially g*y guys, It freaks me out and disgust me. I don't get aroused by hot g*y acting guys, only manly straight guys.

I'm very confused. Thank you.




  1. you are definitely g*y.  i'm 19 and had and sometimes still have the same thoughts as you.  guys turn me on, but i dont like the g*y culture and wish i could get married to a woman and have kids and live the normal life.  BUT this past year i got outed by my friends in the dorms (my phone fell out of my pocket and they went through all my text messages........), and fortunately i still have all my friends, including all of my straight friends that talked **** about g*y ppl.  but they told me that by finding out i was g*y they have a different perspective cuz they now see that not all g*y guys act feminine and talk with a lisp.  so basically, if you're attracted to guys and not girls, you are g*y and it's hard to accept but it helps with time, but just realize that just because you're g*y it doesn't mean you're a "fruit" and you dont have to get involved in that community if you don't want to.   just be yourself though.

    if you wanna talk i'd be happy to.  trust me i know exactly how you feel.

  2. 15 years old is too young to make be decisions on who you are sexually. You will reach a point where it wil be really clear in your mind on what you really want. I always went by the saying "The heart wants what the heart wants" and pretty soon your heart will tell you what you really want in life and in the bedroom so don't be stressing yourself too much about it. If you don't make up your mind in your teens, twenties or even thirties I still won't worry about it.

  3. I think you're just "bi-curious." That means you are just questioning yourself. There's a good possibility you really are straight.

    just go kiss some girls and see how you feel.. XD

  4. I think you might be in denial about being g*y. The things you want with women seem to be all things you have been socially conditioned to want.

  5. i think that you are straight but you are just curious.

  6. Here's how I really think you feel:

    You feel confused because the way you feel isn't the way you've been raised. Nearly every g*y guy I've ever talked to said pretty much you know a part of the struggle was the fact that by coming out g*y, you're not going to marry a woman (and have children with her, but you could still adopt). I'm not saying your g*y, I'm just saying a lot of g*y guys have trouble sorting through their feelings and the conditioning of society.

  7. sexually aroused by men and not women =g*y

    i hate to break it to you but you sound g*y and pretty self loathing to boot.  you need some counseling (not the church kind) to work out these issues before they become worse (although it's hard to see how).

    there is nothing wrong with being g*y, i personally am not but if you are, you are. accept it and move on.  sure there is still a stigma among some people but really this has decreased drastically, you can still have a full and rich life but only if you like yourself g*y or straight. seek help

  8. everyone here is being pretty negative to you...

    you're fifteen. i'm guessing that you're just going to be somewhat sexually attracted to whatever you can think of, never mind if it makes sense. i don't think you're g*y until you really want to be with this guy, and oh mah GAWD he is the hottest thing you've ever seen.

    maybe the guys you see every day are too girly. maybe.

    either you are just figuring things out, or you are just bisexual. something like that.

    but good luck

  9. why are you stressing about what you want to lable yourself, just go with the flow, you don't ever have to be anything. Just have fun, and be with people who make you happy.

  10. First of all, I'm going to tell you to give it a few more years.

    Secondly, this sounds similar to my experience. However, that's my experience, and yours may indicate something entirely different. I'm a woman.

    I wanted to marry a man and have children. I was raised in a religious family, and only saw examples of man/woman couples.

    I was sexually attracted to females. I didn't see the allure in the "cut", topless, guy, but could stare at the female form with interest.

    I went through a period, in 9th grade, where I developed a sudden aversion to lesbians. I thought it was gross. I just realized that that was extreme denial within myself.

    Then, as a senior, I admitted to myself that I was bisexual. I dated males and a female, but felt uncomfortable with the idea of a female-female relationship. I blame that on my upbringing.

    Finally, in my mid-twenties, I am comfortable enough to say that I'm not straight, I'm not bisexual, I'm a L*****n.

    The road to finding your sexuality can be long and winding for some.

  11. People that hate g**s usually have something to hide. If you did not have g*y tenancies then you would not have to "make sure that you are not acting g*y" And honey when a man turns you on but women don't.........come on. Face it honey. Its like when boys are mean to girls because they secretly like them? That's what you are doing. Trying to hide what you are. You need to do a serious soul search. You shouldn't have to "want" to love a woman. You sound as though you're trying to make yourself. Come to terms with who you are and you will be much happier. The only one who can disappoint you is you.

  12. You remind me of me when I was confused by my sexuality. You shouldn't be ashamed of something you can't control! Embrace your sexuality and learn to love yourself, don't conform to society's standards. If you're not aroused by women, I don't think you're even 1% straight. I know, It's tough, and it may take time for you to adjust to the idea of being g*y, but after you embrace it it's the best feeling ever! It's like finding peace after a long time of internal battles and struggles.

    If you like acting g*y, act g*y! F**k what the other people think! If you spend your life trying to make people accept you, you'll never learn to accept yourself.

    I'm sure you can find a man that loves you and will make you as happy or happier than this imaginary wife you're thinking of. And who says you can't have kids?

    Having taste in fashion is a false stereotype of homosexuality. I'm not very good at fashion, and I'm g*y.

    You seem to be bootcamping yourself when it comes to your behavior. That must be h**l! Let loose! Act like yourself, not another straight loser clone! Be unique! That's one of the best gifts God/Allah/Natural selection gave you!

    After you make out/have s*x with a man, you'll see it's the most natural thing in the world. And you'll want to repeat it over and over again through the course of your life because WE ARE SEXUAL ORGANISMS! And we have NO choice in our sexuality.


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