
I can't tell if he likes me?

by  |  earlier

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okay, so there's this guy. his name's damien, and he's really, really great, and i have the biggest crush on him... problem is, he's one of my friends. i don't know him super duper well, because we only met a month or so ago... and i can't tell if he likes me back.

we talk on aim a lot, and he calls me adorable, cute, sweet, stuff like that. he also says that i make him smile all the time. thing is, since i don't know him that well, i dunno if he says that to other girls too or just me. i do know that we hug/hold hands at school, and he sometimes picks me up or tickles me. i know he hugs his girl friends, but i think it's just me for the other stuff. i can't be sure how he really acts around them though because he's two grades above me so we don't have any classes together.

we're going to a movie tomorrow, but i dunno if it's a DATE or if we're just going as friends, and i have no idea what to do!! sorry about this being so long, but what are your thoughts on this?

help mee!

please and thanks.





  1. Girl he totally likes you. why else would he be tickle you. it is so obvious. don't you get it


  2. I think he likes you. The thing is do you want to know if he does it around other girls? If not then just say that they are only friends. From what you said he likes you and going to the movies tomorrow is a date. Hope you have fun on it. Just look for signs that he likes you if he tries and puts his arm around you, or wants to sit really close to you. Hope you guys get together soon I wish you the best time on your date and let me know how everything goes!  

  3. yeah he deffinatly likes you no doubt in my mind just ask him if he wants to go the movies or somthing and go from there

  4. i think he likes you.

    Talk about it tonight with him be like "So we still on for the movies tomorrow" and if he says yeah then say "Okay! it's a date see you theen :D"

  5. Girl are you blind! Yes he likes you. Good Luck!

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