
I can't to any thing w/o my friend why?

by  |  earlier

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me and my friend know each since 1st grade and we are really good friends we have each others back no matter what, but he did something stupid and went to jail for 1yr and it sucked soo bad i didn't even have the nerve to talk to a girl through the internet, but he came back and i had no problem i had a huge crush on this girl but we talked through face book but the question is why do i need my friend and no we are not g*y




  1. well... i'm sure that since you have been friends for so long u both are very attached and since it is that way maybe you should try doing stuff with other friends or if u can't try hanging out with a group of ppl this friend of urs shouldn't rule ur life....

  2. u dont need ur friend. Tell him u want to alone

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