
I can't understand him...?

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So I met this guy he is really hot!! But the problem is that I can't talk to him on the phone because I can't understand what he is saying... Hes foreign... so we have to text and or see each other in person. Is there a way we can comunicate better?




  1. I've had relationships where I didn't even understand her in person most times, and it was impossible on the phone.  If I can't understand them I just chat with them online.  Sometimes she'd get angry and speak too quickly and I'd just sit and smile until she was done because I didn't catch a single word she was saying.  A major benefit to not being able to understand each other is the inability to argue.  As time passes, you will become more accustomed to his voice, but in some circumstances it can take a LONG time.  You both need to have patience.  I've even considered marrying a girl whose language I didn't understand and who didn't understand English.  Sure, it would be weird but there's no reason it couldn't work anyway.

  2. the universal language is lovemaking

  3. talking online? webcam is always a great alternative.

  4. You must be very young or very superficial. If you have a language barrier, I don't see how you can have a relationship, since it is so important to have good communication. You're unable to find out anything about him. How will you know if you're right for each other when you can't even communicate?

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