
I can't wait till christmas, can you?

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I can't wait till christmas, can you?




  1. I love Christmas. Sitting around the fire place drinking coco and watching those old Christmas classics. Decorating the house with lites and all the trimmings. Making cookies to pass out to the neighbors when going caroling. Going shopping. Having a big family dinner. That time of year is always fun.

  2. I hate Christmas

    They should have it in the summer, then the winter would be perfect

    Wish I lived in Australia lol

  3. Is that the annual visit to the church of your preference singing songs and prayers to save the world and giving to the poor  

  4. i can't at all!! the suspense is killing me! its ONLY 4 months away!!! ahhhhhhhh!!

  5. Yes happily I can wait.

    I like that time of year don't get me wrong but I could really do with another 12 months before we have to have another.

    Thank you for asking I'm glad to get that off my chest I had no idea I felt so strongly about it.

    When it comes I hope you have a lovely one.  

  6. me neither and its not just the presents, its just everyone's so joyous and merry. it all feels so nice. It's also a great time of year to help others in need.

  7. I know how you feel, it will be my sons first christmas this year and i can't wait to make it special for him.

    I have already started buying some christmas presents now so that i don't have to rush around trying to get stuff in december.

  8. I can't wait too! And there's no reason to hate the christmas just because there are poor people without a house or without food, you can donate money or other stuff for them when you want, don't matter if it's Christmas or not!

  9. normally i would be right there with you - but... i am trying to conceive, and babies are filling my head at the moment.. lol.. i am still looking forward to the summer and BBQ season!  we dont seem to be having one and it somewhat depressing..

    gimme a few months, when i should hopefully be pregnant, and i will be one of the nutters in this section!  x

    *jingle bells, jingle bells*

  10. Nah I don't like christmas, it makes me sad that at Christmas time, there are millions of animals and people without homes, sitting outside in the cold while people only think about what presents they will be getting. Every year I donate the money I get for christmas to my local animal rescue, I think everyone should give to a worthy cause, people don't know how good they have it.

  11. I love Christmas - it's such a lovely time!

    All the best.

  12. I can wait.

  13. I was going to say yes, Im very excited, but what Louise just said made me think and now Im not looking forward to it..

    Arghhh! haha.

  14. Glad to see your question!! My mom died on xmas eve 4 years ago. I have been the worst xmas person ever since. I do have a plan this year. I am going to make this xmas a good one. maybe I'll even find the xmas spirit again.

  15. I'm 15 and haven't celebrated x-mas - through choice - for years. I don't get what's so amazing about a religious holiday that has been exploited so people can spend outrageous amounts of money and get presents. It's just another selfish holiday. So what's to look forward to?

  16. omg i cant wait!!! just 139 more days left!!!

  17. I can't wait until Christmas! It's not all about the presents too me, it's the whole "feeling", everyone is happy, the christmas decorations are put up, the christmas music is on, the fire is a-light, and the pets sit around it, and family come round to spread "Christmas cheer" and I love all the old Christmas songs:

    "Snow is falling, all around us, Children playing, having fun" haha


  18. I cant wait for the holidays to begin, period. I really start getting excited when Halloween rolls around because everything I know the best time of year is approaching.

    Christmas is the best holiday!

  19. I can't wait until December! I love the Christmas feeling and hanging up decorations! I love coming home to see Christmas decorations! =]

  20. No I love Christmas!!! I can't wait to decorate the house, buy and wrap presents, watch all the Christmas movies, listen to Christmas music and be home with my family. I can't wait! I think i'm gonna go watch the grinch now lol.

  21. its not too long away 21 week i think!!!1

  22. I love Christmas, but I am loving the beautiful, warm summer weather.  My two favorite seasons are Summer and Christmas.

  23. i love christmas

    i can't wait

    but some things i also can't wait for are happening before that

  24. oh i know i can NOT wait! Christmas is so exciting! excpecially because we all celebrtate Jesus Christ's birth. it is so cool because you get presents, i am already thinking of my wish list!!! i don't know what to get! i also L-O-V-E spending time with my family.

  25. I love christmas!!! it's awesome not just because of presents and that but because it brings all your familly close together,and all in all it's just a really nice day.I love buying presents for people aswell it makes me feel good about myself.

  26. I love christmas too and i always get really excited (and no, i'm not a kid, i'm a 30 year old woman with 2 kids!), but i also don't want to wish the time away as time its far too precious, so i'm happy to wait and enjoy each day.

  27. While I love Christmas, I don't want to wish the year away, as there's so many lovely things happening before then that I also can't wait for.

  28. Nope! I'm pumped for it! The decorations, the TV specials, the snow (It snows where I live), the whole thing. Ah. Don't worry, we're getting there! Just 141 days to go!  

  29. I love Christmas.  

    I wonder if these people who are so selfless could manage to save animals and celebrate Christmas.  It's a shame to be on this earth and not share in the joy of holidays with people you love.

  30. I love Christmas,It is my favorite Holiday.I just mentioned snow and the guys at work was like throwing a fit. I am looking forward to the fall,cooler weather and turning of the leafs.

  31. I'm looking forward to it but at the same time I'm not. My brother died last christmas.  

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